I hate this thing

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I spent the night holding Hope but she's asleep now

"And how would you have me respond?" dad growls "Should I delegate my child's safety to someone else?"

"Let me see what I can do"

my feet take me into the room "I will talk to Marcel. He won't kill me because of that dumb rule of his"

"Leaving Hayley and I to do what exactly" dad growls some more

"Stay here and protect our daughter." Hayley says


walking up Marcel is talking to some witches

"You don't trust him. I get it" I chuckle "But see one of those kids is my sister; she's seven, into art, making up stories, and catch fireflies. She's sick. Now as a witch, I am asking you to help me"

the witch looks at me for a moment then nods "There's a girl named Lara. I saw her draw teh same symbol on her window in blood"

"Where" I ask

"She's not a witch" the witch smiles "She's on of 'your' kind. A wolf. She ran off to the bayou"


I'm at the bayou now on the phone with dad

"How is she"

"Sleeping. Freya thinks she has something to help her. What did you find out"

"Marcel and I have a lead" I tell "A wolf who got caught with the Hollow"

"A wolf involved in witch business?"

I chuckle "Right, I'm gonna ask her some questions"

"Are you sure? Perhaps you should let Hayley handle it--"

"Dad, I've spent the last year pretty much by myself searching for a way to bring you guys back. I'm no longer a kid; I'm thirteen"

he huffs "Alright, well, you're a man now I suppose." I can hear Hayley laugh "I expect you to show this traitor the error of her ways"

"Yup" I say "Tell Hayley it's not funny" then I hang up

"So" I sigh "I should probably go because she's not gonna want to talk to a vampire"

"The thing is, the last time I came across one of the Hollow's goons, the guy tried to kill me, so fair warning"

I walk into the bayou and find her

"Lara? I'm Sam."

"I know who you are" she says very creepy "Samael Mikaelson. I know why you're here. You're here because of your sister. I'm sorry she's as good as dead"

For fuck sake

"Look fucker just tell us what happened"

Marcel chuckles

"I didn't know they were gonna bring children into it" she says

my eyes roll "speak clearly....who are they?"

"Those that serve the Hollow. Followers of the blue light. I thought they were doing something good. Trying to take back our city"

I look back to Marcel "She must mean from your dumb ass"

Marcel raises his eyebrows

"New Orleans belongs to all of us. And the Hollow offered us teh power we needed. So long as we pledged our allegiance"

I'm your kid too, father Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora