Chapter 4: 2 a.m. Nightmare

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"Mama? Mama?" I called for my Mama Isabella while wandering around the darkness. There was a chill in my bones as if something strange would happen to me. "Mama Isabella? Where are you?" I kept calling for her.

This dark place is familiar to me, it's Deja vu.

"Conny, My little bunny" I suddenly heard Mama's voice. I immediately turned around and saw her smiling widely at me. "Come here, Conny. Your adoptive parents were waiting for you" She said.

However, the smile on her face doesn't feel warm. At first, I was confused, but as I stare at her longer, I realized something...

No, it wasn't her, it wasn't Mama Isabella. 

I slowly stepped back while hugging the bunny in my arms. Mama Isabella suddenly turned into a hideous demon. Its hand became huge as it carelessly took my body. The bunny in my hands fell and I couldn't help but feel scared.

"Mama... Where are you?"I asked as I began to cry, this scene is really terrifying. No, I don't want this! I want my Mama Isabella. Where is she? "Mama! Mama!"



"Conny" I suddenly heard a voice. "Just accept your fate, I don't want you to suffer, My child"

"Mama! No, don't leave me" I tried to shout louder as I can, but the demon raised its hand holding the flower that was meant to take my life. I don't want to accept this, I don't want to die! I want my Mama Isabella!


But it was all too late.

"Conny, wake up" I suddenly opened my eyes when I heard a familiar voice. "Wake up, it's just a nightmare," The voice said while patting my back. I slowly lift my body to calm myself as I covered my face while brushing the tears on my bouncy cheeks.

A boy who is a lot taller than me appeared before my eyes. It was Ray, and there was a book in his hands. 

"Ray..." I said in a crying tone, This is the third time that I have dreamt about that nightmare. This body is still a body of a child, I can't help but feel terrified. "Monster *heuk* Ray..." I spouted like a child but I tried to minimize it as much as I could.

Ray placed the bunny in my hands. Although he remained silent after he did that, it somehow reassured me. I quickly hugged my bunny.

That hell was terrifying, If I am not matured like today, I would've cried louder like what happened on my birthday. Plus my Mama Isabella... I felt betrayed if this continued for days I don't know if I'll still become mentally stable.

Just imagine the trauma of the past Conny.

"Oi, " My eyes went up. I suddenly realize that Ray and I had to talk at the library. "Have you collected your thoughts?" He suddenly asked.

I remained silent while looking at his face. I unconsciously raised both of my hands. At first, he looked confused but he immediately realized what I am asking for. "Carry me" The word came out of my mouth.

"What?" He asked, but when he glanced at me once more, I made my face more pitiful trying to stir his soft spot for cute things. Come on Ray! You're still a child, don't tell me you won't be affected by my looks? He shuts his eyes before taking a deep breath. "Nevermind."

He immediately swats his legs before carrying me into his arms. I tried to hide my grin when he did that. "Ray is a good boy" I spoke while patting his head. His body froze, I noticed that his expression changed for a moment. 

Looks like I said something that I wasn't supposed to say.

However, I mean it, I won't take my words back even if he is planning to use me for the sake of other people. To all of the burden you are currently carrying now, I will do my best to lessen it since I won't let you carry the guilt of my death.

"Have you finished reading the book?" I asked him, he immediately went back on his senses as he started to walk. My eyes went to the other children who were sleeping, I observed them as we went outside the room.

"Yes," He replied while taking me to the library.

"Am I heavy?" I asked.

"How did you know?" He said. I immediately frowned when he answered my question truthfully. I almost forgot how savage this boy is. "But since we are taking some precautionary actions I won't mind" He replied.

"You made me carry you so it won't cause any suspicions if the other kids or Mom saw us right?" He asked, "I could make an easier excuse that I wanted to calm you because you had a nightmare, carrying you could make you easily act like you're frightened or something" 

Stop talking young man, you're only making me jealous of how intelligent you are.

I didn't answer his question, I know that he already knew the answer.

When we reached the library, I immediately jumped away from his arms, I took a chair and sat on it. I placed my bunny on the table while looking at him. "What do you want to know, Ray?" I asked. 

He placed the book in his hands on the table as he sat on the chair in front of me. His eyes went down on my face since I'm smaller than him. "How did you know? " He finally asked.

A bright smile appeared on my face, I was ready to answer that question. I actually rack my brain to create an acceptable answer to him since this afternoon, and I hope that my answer would satisfy him.

Ah, so how do we start it?

"It all started when I once went into Mama Isabella's office," I said while looking straight into his eyes. "I don't know when it happened, however, I won't forget that day. I saw an unfamiliar door at the bookshelves and I heard Mama Isabella talking to someone that time"

"I heard what they are talking about but I'm just as small as Phil that time so I didn't mind things about it, However..." I paused. "That thing never leaves in my mind until the other children got adopted and I started to get suspicious--"

"We're you acting dumb and slow all along?"

My body stopped. A smile appeared on my face as I answered him. "I'm not gonna tell You" I replied. "As you can see, I'm not as smart as everyone, however... I can say that this..." I said while pointing at my head. "Is matured..."

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