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5 years later

Chastity thought that a pregnant Ivy was more dramatic than a pregnant Chastity. She had not needed so much when she was pregnant. Just foot rubs and a litre of ice cream every day. Maybe daily reminders that she was the most amazing creature in the entire fucking galaxy.

Ivy wanted lobster.

They lived in Nairobi.

Where the fuck would one acquire fresh lobster at such short notice?

"Maybe not too fresh? I don't even think we can get fresh right now. We should plan a trip to Mombasa over the weekend, have you ballooned up in as much lobster as you'd like."

Ivy narrowed her eyes. "I got you ice cream at two in the morning."

Chastity closed her eyes, pinching at the bridge of her nose. "I can't just fly to Mombasa. I'll try to look through Uber Eats and see what you fancy, okay?"

Ivy huffed and looked to her round belly. "I guess one mummy loves you more than the other mummy."

Chastity inhaled something that sounded suspiciously like fraud. "You are ganging up on me now?"

Ivy turned to look at her, entirely pleased. "Keith and you gang up on me all the time. Bobo will be in my corner."

"We're not going to name our daughter Bobo."

"It has character."

"They'll bully her."

"Not if I get some lobster they won't."

Chastity raised her hands in surrender. "Lobster it is, your highness." Ivy threw a cushion at her. Chastity missed it, laughing heartily. Keith cried from the bedroom.

Everything was perfect.


(22nd, August)

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