Chapter 33

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I was becoming tired, real tired. I could feel my eyes start to fall and my head starting to pound, my vision going in and out. The sounds around me started to fade -everything sounded so far away- even if it was right in front of me. I can hear a distant sound of a door opening and slamming close followed by the sound of footsteps.

"Oh my little ticket" I moved my head up from where I hung it and looked up at Cash "Oh you look horrible" he smirked

"Boss, King will be here in a few minutes" I lolled my head to look at a guy no older then twenty with long black hair and fairly dark skin stand next to Cash

"Thank you soldier" he patted his followers shoulder "Revenge is so close I can taste it"  

He walked towards me sending this follower away, I was tuning him out as he spook to me. I couldn't hear a thing he was saying nor did I care for what he was saying to me. All I could think about was Tyler and how I shouldn't have left Marcy's house.

I was such a stupid girl. So many thought ran through my head giving me an even bigger headache then the one I already have.

"Well, well, well isn't it the good old Tyler King coming in to save the damsel in destress" I finally snapped back in reality to see a very angry Tyler standing in front of me with both Mason and Nash

"Cash" Tyler growled "Let her go and we will settle this the right way"

"NO! no" he laughed ripping the duck tap off my mouth and forcing me to stand up by holding one of my arms "That is long over do, I will not rest until you pay for what you did to my family"

"What happened to your family was not me, that was my father" Tyler was glaring at Cash while Cash held me close to his body and pointing a gun at Tyler

"T-ty" I try to call out and walk forwards only to be pulled back and a gun shoved into my skull

"Don't move Grace, just stay where you are. I'm gonna get you out of here" he looked right into my fearful eyes. I could see the anger coursing through his face and I can only imagine what was going on in his head

"Now don't go making false promises to the poor girl, after all she's been through so much already" He sounded like he knew everything wrong in my life

"T-tyler" I whispered lightly when Cashes arm tightened around my throat "H-help m-me"

"I will baby, I will" he turned to Cash and raised his gun while taking a small step in our direction that seemed to go un-noticed by Cash "Let her go and you can kill me, don't hurt her -she's innocent" he only laughed

"No body is innocent in this world Tyler, you should know that better then anyone. After all you killed my sister and father" he was growing angry and shoving the gun into my head roughly making me whimper 

"Quite the talking and just hand Gracie over Cash and we'll all settle this right" Nash spook while his gun was raised at one of Cash's followers who had his gun on Tyler

"I'm gonna make him suffer like he made me suffer"

"I had nothing to do with the death of your father and sister, that was all my own fathers doing not me"

"Even if your father pulled the trigger I'm still gonna make you hurt the way I did" I heard the gun click as he turned the safety off

"Tyler!" I call out gripping onto Cash's arm "Tyler, I-I-"

"Don't Grace, I'm gonna get you out of here"

"I love y-you" I called out

A shot rang out and all I felt was pain....


666 words (That's such a great number)

Two chapters left! What could happen in these last two chapters??

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Tyler's father killed Cash's father and sister? Plot twist?

3- How much do you hate Cash?

4- What do you think is going to happen with in the last two chapters?


Republished date- August 16, 2021


~ TheDevil

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