Chapter Twelve: Falling

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Beomgyu got off Taehyun's fancy car, thankful that the younger gave him a ride to the university, he followed behind the boy, not noticing the stares he was getting immediately

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Beomgyu got off Taehyun's fancy car, thankful that the younger gave him a ride to the university, he followed behind the boy, not noticing the stares he was getting immediately.

He smiled at the people around him but the smile slightly slipped off once he saw Taehyun walk away, into the building.

But what the brunet failed to notice was his best friend waiting for him at the gates but leaving soon after he saw him with the ash grey-haired male he despised.

Few people around Kai noticing this and spreading the news everywhere.

Beomgyu entered the building, walking through the hallway noticing few people smiling at him which was quite normal but there were also people giving him stares and whispering which made him anxious.

'Are they talking about me?'
'Did I do something?'

He wondered, over analysing their stares, until someone patted his back catching his attention, he almost yelped turning around to face a familiar face, his shoulders relaxed.

"Oh god, you scared me."

"Sorry." The boy sheepishly apologized.

This was Beomgyu's classmate and seatmate. He was a friend he could rely on, always helping each other with notes and sometimes hanging out during lunch. Nothing more than just a good friend.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Not sure.."

"Please don't freak out but..." the boy paused, taking out his phone tapping a few times pulling up a picture on it and showing it to the brunet.

"I just wanted to let you know what's happening, it started yesterday."

Beomgyu's eyes widen, looking at the picture his friend was showing him.

It was a picture of him being carried by Kai while Taehyun sat on the floor glaring at the younger, it was sort of blurry but their faces were clear enough to identify who they were.

"Fuck..Have you seen Kai anywhere!?" Beomgyu asked grabbing the poor boy's shoulder a bit too tightly, he shook his head as a no, clueless.

Receiving a negative as the answer, he ran to the only place he can think of where the younger could possibly be.

"I told him not to freak out." the boy mumbled walking away.

The door slams open, the soft tunes of the piano keys stopped immediately after the pianist was interrupted, hitting the wrong note accidentally.

"There you are." The brunet huffed out from all the running, walking into the music room towards his best friend who was playing the piano.

"I'm always here..?" Kai replied not understanding why Beomgyu came running to him.

The older took a seat next to the younger, looking down at his palms rubbing them before looking up at the blond who was already looking at him, waiting for him to start talking.

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