I'm Calling The Police

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September 24th, 2021

As Parker and I head to my car in the student section of the parking lot, I get a text from Viv. I pick up my phone and read,

where are you? class has already started, and the professor knows you're missing. not covering for u this time.

I'm not really surprised that Viv is saying this to me. I don't know what I could have possibly done to cause this massive rift between me and the group, but I feel like I'm being shut out more and more each day. Maybe it's everything with Ken and then Claudia, but that's still no reason to shut me out. When I need Cass and Viv the most, they shun me.

I turn and look at Parker, who's checking out the scenery, which I understand. East Viridian is a nice place, and I can only hope that it's nice back to her.

I unlock the car, and she gets into the passenger seat.

"Nice car," she says to me as she steps in.

"Thanks," I reply as I start the engine and begin to back out. I'm driving on the road towards my house, and the car is filled with silence. We haven't said anything for at least five minutes. I don't know what it is about her, but there is something I can't read. Usually, I'm able to get a good read on someone just by a few minutes of meeting them. But there's something hidden--something she clearly does not want to talk about; it's written all over her face. Is it because she's nervous? I mean, she did just meet me a couple of hours ago, but I'm not threatening looking, right?

"Wow, you sure have a death grip on that wheel, don't you," she teases.

I didn't even realize it, but I did. My hands in 10 and 2, arms extended and making the most calculated motions. I thought I had stopped doing that; am I doing it again? I loosen the grip on the steering wheel and respond, "Yeah, um, it's kind of a habit. Not because I'm a bad driver or anything, but... it's just," I begin to stammer on my words, not wanting to bring up Ken. I always get so flustered trying to bring her up. I don't know if I'm talking about someone who's even still here, among the living.

"So, there was this girl I was--well am, friends with. She got into this really bad car accident while she was out of town visiting family, and it affected her mentally and emotionally. I think we take for granted how much we have sometimes." I say, trailing off. "When she was describing to me the aftermath, how she had broken bones, bruises, scars, and loss of hearing for some time, it truly scared me. I thought I was about to lose my best friend that day." I recalled and glanced at Parker for a second. She was looking at me with a distant, empty stare. Almost as if I'm not really speaking to her.

"I'm sorry I'm just dropping all of my emotional trauma on you, you don't deserve that," I try to compensate and make a final turn before I get to the driveway.

"No, you're fine; I just was thinking about something. But I'm sorry about your friend, how is she now?" she asks, finally meeting my eyes.

Shit, I don't know how to go about this. I pull into the driveway and park the car. Do I tell her that my friend is missing, presumably dead? I just told her about the Claudia situation; how do I tell her that another one of my friends is gone? It's starting to look like everyone close to me ends up getting hurt.

"Honestly, I don't know," I say, turning in her direction. She looks at me puzzled, but doesn't say anything. I know she's waiting for me to finish.

"Well, the thing is... She's missing," I look over at her to try and read her expression. I'm met back with a sad expression from her. Great, another person that feels sorry for poor Madilyn.

"You know what, I shouldn't have asked. I'm just so nosy sometimes, and I really didn't mean to pry..." she says, looking down at her lap. She genuinely looks sorry that she asked, so I can't stay upset at her for long.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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