Chapter Fifteen: Acceptance

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Maybe my eyes were tricking me.

Or maybe my simulation glitched.

Three college acceptances stared at me from my inbox. Four years of studying, two years of SAT prep, countless months spent perfecting my video portfolio.

And now the decision fell before me: Which school do I pick?

The doorbell rang from downstairs. Crackers barked as my mom went to answer it.

I closed my laptop. I should have been happier, I was happy, believe me I was. Going to college was a privilege on its own. Yet the one school I wanted an acceptance to, I didn't apply.

I had risked so many things this school year. With love, friendship, family and life. Yet when it came to my future, I couldn't just hit submit.

Maybe I could transfer in a year. What was one year without New York University?

I fell into my bed and groaned.

I could be so stupid sometimes.

From outside my door, there was a soft knock.

"Jake?" My mom called.

I closed my eyes. "What, mom?"

"Someone's here to see you." The door creaked open.

Expecting Wyatt or Mia, I kept my eyes closed.

The door closed.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked.

I lunged up.

"Kai?" I asked.

She blushed, standing in the center of my chaotic messy room. Her hair was tied into a long braid, tucked into her puffy coat.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked.

She moved some books off my desk chair and sat down. "I asked Lily, who asked Gray."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Oh... what are you doing here?"

She smiled nervously. "You kinda died at the party, I didn't really get to say bye."

"So you came to say hi?"

Kai laughed. "Kinda. I left you a note and a bag, my number too, but I wasn't sure if you got it. I showered at the party cause you puked on me trying to tell me something."

I groaned. "The note must've been in the bag. I talked to you after the beach?"

She crossed her leg. "Yeah you disappeared again, then came back to tell me something and puked... on me. I should've taken that as a sign to leave things as they were, but I couldn't stop wondering."

What could I have tried to tell Kai? I swallowed. I remembered. Mia told me precisely what to tell her. It was easier to agree when I was drunk. But with Kai sitting in my room smiling at me like that, I felt... guilty.

"Kai." I sighed. "I feel like I led you on."

What Mia told me to say felt mean now. I wanted to be honest with her, honest with myself.

"Hmm?" Kai asked, fidgeting with her braid.

I took a deep breath. "There's this girl, Mia. You might have seen her at the party."

"The pretty redhead." Kai sucked in.

I nodded. "I've liked her for a while. She's the first girl I've had a crush on since... you. And we were always on and off, never really sure if we could be something. When she saw me with you, she realized she did. She doesn't want me around you anymore. I agreed cause you live so far away."

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