Chapter 65 ~ Midnight

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She looked so peaceful, his Dylan. Her chest rose and fell with each steady, peaceful breath. Her hair lay spread out across the pillow, a deep golden hue that reminded him of the sun's rays. He couldn't help but admire the woman in front of him.

Dylan's eyes fluttered open as if she knew he was watching her. "What're you doing?" she asked. Her voice was heavy with sleep. "You'll be more comfortable if you lay down on the bed."

He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her. Was this really okay? He had done too much wrong and had hurt too many people in his lifetime. She deserved better. Someone better than him.

Dylan frowned. "Don't make that face."

'Be happy. I just want you to be happy.'

"I know you, and you're not that kind of person." She put a hand lightly on his arm. The touch sent shockwaves through him. "You are kinder than you let on."

It was like Dylan knew the very thoughts running through his mind. How did she understand him so well? His heart felt heavier than he had ever felt it become.

Nobody had ever shown him a shred of kindness. He was nothing more than a tool, an implement, articulating the will of the Emperor. But Dylan's kindness made him feel good all over. She made him feel human.

Almost certain she was dreaming, she whispered his name. "Cadence."

God, he loved the way his name sounded rolling off her lips. He loved everything about her. The sort of person she was. The fierceness in her eyes. The way she smiled at him. He could go on for hours about everything he loved about his Dylan.

"I think I love you," she said. "I'm completely and utterly in love with you."

In a million years, she never thought she'd say those words to anyone. After all she had been through in her life she could not even love herself anymore, so how could she love someone else?

But somehow the words slipped so easily from her mouth. He knew her heart, he understood her inmost soul, and she understood his. With her mother's death, she felt as if she had lost the things that made life special. And she found them again in him. Warmth. Generosity. Love.

She held her breath. And waited. It was so silent.

'Does he feel the same way about me?'

Quite suddenly, she felt a tear roll down her cheek. It was like all of the feelings she'd been trying to suppress came flooding back all at once. In a moment, she felt Cadence reach over and tenderly wipe her tears away with his thumb.

"I love you," he mouthed. "I love you."

That was the exact moment Dylan realized what she had been waiting for. Longing for. What she so desperately longed for was someone to love her. Someone of her own to care for her. The real her.

She paused for a moment and then, as the clock struck midnight, brought her lips hungrily to his. It was a desperate kiss, one that held all of the pent-up frustration that Dylan had thought she'd been alone in this world.

She let it all go, let herself get lost in his presence. Let her hands roam over the muscles in his chest. He pulled her against him and his warmth became hers. How long they stood there, kissing, holding, feeling the other, Dylan didn't know. But at some point, they had fallen asleep embracing one another.


"You look a lot better than you did," Dylan said, drawing the curtains open. The windows allowed the early morning sunshine to filter into the dark chamber. "It's a beautiful morning. Don't you think so, grandpapa?"

"You seem awfully happy this morning, Dylan," Edwin said, exchanging puzzled glances with Jessie and Mina.

Jessie let out a hefty sigh. This morning she found Lady Dylan in Sir Cadence's arms, breathing, deeply asleep. The sight was enough to give her a heart attack. 

"Do I need a reason to be in a good mood?" Dylan asked. She sauntered across the room towards him. "Did you take the medicine Arthur concocted for you?"

In an attempt to slow the spread of the poison, Arthur made several herbal medicinal products and supplements. It was a temporary solution, one that they hoped would buy them enough time to make an antidote.

"I suppose not. I was just curious to know if anything special had happened." 

She shook her head. "The sun just seems a little brighter this morning, that's all."

Dylan picked up a small pill bottle on the table beside her and pretended to read the label. Truthfully, she was pondering the best way to break the news to him. Surely nobody had told him that Lynette was dead.

'How am I supposed to tell you that your grandson had her killed?'

"I will have to leave you for a short while," she finally said. The bottle of pills rattled in her unsteady hand. "Arthur will take good care of you in my absence."

"What for?"

"Someone I know"—she hesitated—"has passed."

"My condolences for your loss," he said softly. "Was it a friend from Faerchester?"

Could she even consider Lynette a friend? A sister? Truthfully, Lynette was no more than a stranger to her. But Dylan was still sorely grieved at her death, and felt remorse.

In her heart she knew her actions were borne of guilt. If she had kept her distance from Laikin, if he hadn't loved her so desperately, then Lynette would still be alive. Lucas had lost his little sister because of her carelessness. 

'If it weren't for that bastard, then perhaps we could've been family.'

"Yes, perhaps," Dylan said quietly. She bit back the tears that stung her eyes. "Anyways, take care of yourself when I'm gone."

He chuckled. "Yes."

"I mean it," she said. She turned around to face him, "You'll be there to walk me down the aisle in the future, right? You're the closest thing to a father I've had. You must get better."

Edwin's eyes softened at her words. Dylan could see the conflict in them. She could see his eyes clouded with thoughts of death.

'I won't let you die that easily, grandpapa. I'm going to give you a reason to stay.'

"Promise me," she said, grabbing his hand. "You have to promise me."

He stayed silent for a few moments. "Dylan," he said softly. Avoiding her eyes, he continued, "You told me you had no intention of getting married."

"Everything is different now, grandpapa." She squeezed his hand. "Now I have someone I love."

"Alright." He smiled at her and she smiled back. "Could you pass me that pill bottle?"

 "Could you pass me that pill bottle?"

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I got into a minor car accident the night I was supposed to upload. I'm feeling a lot better now! Thank you for waiting my loves <3

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