There She Goes Again

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The blue jeep with Royal logo over its body could be seen running over the sand dunes leaving clouds of dust in the air behind. 

"Where are you taking me?" Claudia finally asked after silence for a long time. 

"Away," He said briefly and again only the roaring sound of the jeep running was suspended among the silence between them. 

"Are you a W-wizard?" She dared turn her face sideways to look at his side profile. 

She noticed how a muscle ticked over his cheekbone and how his jaw appeared more chiseled due to his stern expression. She couldn't have a look at his eyes as his long raven hair were fallen to the sides of his temples like a curtain. 

She remembered how they glowed red the day he took her out of the tower. She didn't question it because she had promised but now it seemed like she got the answer already. 

He faced her and said firmly, "No."

Her heart leapt out of her chest when she stared into those eyes. They were so dark that she couldn't differentiate the pupil from the iris. The iris was dilated making his narrowed eyes appear almost all black with little to no sclera visible. 

The only thing that came to her brain upon looking at those eyes was, hauntingly beautiful. She immediately looked away. They were moving forward and forward in the doom of despair which spread behind and around them endlessly. 

"Are you kidnapping me for revenge from the Royals? Was that the reason you took me out of the Palace in the first place?" After a while of silence, she spoke again. She just couldn't keep all that in for longer. She needed an explanation which he didn't even have. 

Hellion let out a deep breath trying to calm himself down as he rolled his eyes over her continuous interrogation, something that was heavily irritating for a person like him. To him the only two apparent impressions about her were, annoying and spoiled. 

"Indeed, I shall chop your delicious looking body, roast your fresh meat over fire and enjoy the sizzling while I drink your blood to quench my thirst." He said not only to quieten her down but to some extent that was what he wanted to do. 

Her head jerked immediately towards his direction, her already doe eyes widened more in fear. She zoned out as she started imagining what he said in her head. Out of instinct she hid her hands in her lap and pulled her feet backwards as she gulped. 

He noticed her little actions and out of nowhere a faint smile threatened to escape over his lips which he immediately stopped. He wasn't supposed to smile. 

"Once a doctor told me that my blood is really bitter." She said slowly, unsure of why she was telling him that. Maybe fear of life had crippled her senses. "For real, you know once a wasp stung me and it died immediately after."

"Oh really? I like my coffee bitter." He fake grinned at her. Even though he looked away after saying so, he had this urge to keep looking at her face that looked so innocently adorable when she was scared. 

"Stop! Stop the car!" She suddenly started screaming when what he previously said completely soaked inside her head. "Help! Someone help me!"

Unexpectedly, he stopped the jeep and looked at her with an amused expression. "Are you serious? I am protecting you from the people who are after your life and you still have the nerve to do this." He pointed towards her hands with which she had gripped the steering wheel so that he couldn't move forward. 

Claudia looked at where he had pointed and immediately pulled her hands back awkwardly. It was true that he had saved her not once but upon seeing what he did earlier, she wasn't so sure if he was her well wisher or an enemy disguised as a friend. What did she know about friends anyways? 

"But you said you will eat me." She mumbled. 

I will, was what he wanted to say but instead said, "You have a serious lack of a sense that detects sarcasm."

"But you are a sorcerer and everyone knows sorcerers can never be friends with humans." 

"I am not a sorcerer or wizard and I have said that earlier." 

"Then what are you?" She blurted without thinking. 

He was gazing in her crystal eyes but upon the question he zoned out and his focus distorted. It wasn't just a question but the question that he had asked himself countless times, that he had searched for years, that no one succeeded to answer, that was the purpose of his life; finding out what and who he was. 

He blinked to come back in time and found her still staring at him. Groaning, he closed his eyes for a brief moment and when he opened them again, they were glowing with an orangish-red hue around the edges. 

He stared right into her eyes and said, "You don't remember seeing me using my supernatural powers and our conversation."

Soon her eyes picked up the faint red hue as well and it stayed there until his was gone. She blinked rapidly afterwards with expressions matching a lost puppy and his eyes objected to draw back from her face, his lips strictly holding the smile in. 

"What happened?" She asked him clueless. 

She felt like she suddenly snapped out of a zoned out state. The last thing she remembered was Alec Preston dragging her to jeep and the next thing was Hellion hitting Alec and driving them away from the town. There was nothing in between as if the scenes switched like it happens in the movies. It was odd but something else distracted her from pondering upon it. 

"You sold me out." She muttered looking at the man who was starting the jeep. She intended it as a question but it somehow came as a statement. 

"I didn't." He said without looking at her as he sped the jeep in an unknown direction once again. 

She crossed her arms and looked away with a slight pout. She remembered it well. It was the last thing she heard Alec saying to her. 

"If I did, I wouldn't have came to your help." He felt the need to continue because her actions clearly stated that she didn't believe him. 

She didn't reply but what he said made sense. She had expected him to never come back after he left her at that house and when Alec said that, she believed it. However the fact that he came to her recuse once again invalidated all the previous ones. 

"Thanks," She whispered in an almost inaudible voice but as usual he heard it however he acted as if he didn't. 

"So where are we going now?" She turned towards him with an enthusiastic expression brightening up her face and he sighed. 

There she goes again! 

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