Practice: 3

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Prompt: Y/N seems to have disappeared after the fight


Hermione woke up the next day and looked hopefully at Y/N's bed, but as she suspected, it was completely empty. She sat down and rested her back on the headboard, fluttering her eyes close, deep in thought.

She fluttered her eyes open and saw Lavender and Parvati sitting on her bed with her.

"What did you say to her?" asked Lavender with a frown. "Y/N." she responded to the questioning look on the bushy haired girls face.

"What do you mean?" asked Hermione, genuinely confused.

"She's not here." chimed in Parvati. "I mean she's usually not here, but I mean she's not here in the castle."

"I asked Professor Mcgonagall and she had a really worried look on her face and I heard her asking the staff to look for her. Seems like she dissappeared without a trace." sighed Lavender.

Hermiones face fell as she felt guilt pooling in her stomach. What if she's the reason that the dark haired girl left?

"But..But how? Hogwarts is the safest place, you can't possibly leave without a single trace!" protested Hermione.

The two girls shrugged and bade her goodbye since they had class.

Hermione felt her heart breaking each second. She hugged her knees and broke into a sob once again, a pit of guilt in her stomach. What if Y/N was hurt? There was so many what if's that made the bushy haired girl cry even harder. She lifted her face and looked at her desk, looking for the piece of parchment that contained her daily compliments.

But there was nothing.

"You broke your promise, Y/N." mumbled Hermione, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth as she felt her heart constricting. She sighed and wiped her tears away, getting ready for another morning.


"Blimey, Hermione. You look horrible." exclaimed Ron, looking at the pale-faced bushy haired girl with puffy eyes.

"Do you know how to shut your mouth? If so, now would be a spectacular time to do so." snapped Hermione angrily, hitting his head with her heavy Arithmacy textbook.

"Ow!" he whined. "Why so grumpy? Is it because of (Y/L/N)?" he asked.

"Probably. I heard Y/N yelling yesterday." snickered Harry, earning him a hit on the head as well. "Blimey, Hermione!"

"Where is she?!" shrieked Hermione as she threatingly walked towards Harry very quickly. "Harry Potter you tell me where she is!" she yelled as she pulled out her wand.

"I haven't got a clue! I just saw her walk out of the castle but I don't know where!" he gasped.

And that was all Hermione needed to sprint out of the castle, adrenaline pumping inside her as she searched the Hogwarts Grounds, not caring if she was out of bounds or not.

She made her way to the Quidditch pitch, a place Y/N considered to be her safe place, praying to Merlin that she was there. Rain started pouring as Hermione's legs seemed to be working by their own.

She didn't care that her bushy hair was sticking to her face. She didn't care that she was completely soaked. She didn't care that she was getting splattered by mud with each step she took. She didn't care.

She let out a sigh of relief as she spotted a figure slumped down next to one of the Hoops, their back resting against it. She walked over to Y/N, crouching down hesitantly.

Hermione could feel her heart constricting at those sad, glossy dark eyes. Her face was a bit paler, prominent dark circles under her eyes, her tears being mixed with the rain pouring down from the grey sky

Hermione however, didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the dark haired girl. She lightly pressed her lips against her forehead, her thumb gently caressing her cheek in a comforting manner.

She leaned in to the side slightly, her lips almost brushing the dark haired girls ear as she felt the four words about to spill from her lips.

"I love you, Y/N."

Y/N turned to face her, her mouth slightly parted, her eyebrows raised in slight disbelief.

"But you and Ron.."

"We're not dating. When he and I kissed, it felt different from ours. Empty and plain. Ours was like..I can't even explain it. When I kissed Ron, all I thought was about you. It was always, and will always be you, Y/N. I love you." said Hermione in a very straightforward manner.

"Say it again."

"I love you."

"Again?" said Y/N hopefully.

Hermione stood up, grinning slightly down at the girl who was looking up at her with a bewildered expression plastered on her pale face.

"I'm in love with Y/N (Y/L/N)!" shouted Hermione to the rather empty Quidditch pitch.

She extended her hand, helping the girl to stand up as they both went into a fit of giggles. Hermione flung her arms around Y/N's neck, Y/N's arms circling themselves around Hermiones waist. They looked at eachother lovingly, stupid yet sickenly cute toothy grins on their faces.

"I think we should get inside before we get a cold."

"No, I'd like to kiss my girlfriend in the rain, thank you very much." protested Hermione, not hesitating to smash her lips against Y/N's.


Me rn in google: How to be Y/N

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