🏮10. Finding Nova (part one)

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Amber pushed herself up off of the floor and stared at the puddle, transfixed. It was as if she'd gotten herself trapped in a horror film.

She felt her stomach start to heave and tried to take a deep breath to calm down her anxiety, but that certainly didn't help the situation. A sharp metallic scent filled her nose and lungs, making her feel dizzy. As she pushed herself up on her feet, the world started to tilt and she stumbled while backing away from the puddle.

She quickly scanned her eyes around the room, trying to figure out what had happened. Nova and her fox were nowhere to be seen and the large blanket that had been on the bed was missing. The window was broken and there are shards of glass scattered around the inside. Across the room is a large rock that had obviously been thrown in from outside to break the window. There are drops of blood around the window frame. It was clear that whoever broke in had injured themself. Mixed in with the drips of blood was a trail of little bloody fox prints that lead back outside the door.

Amber looked at the blood in regret, it was such a shame that she couldn't just call the cops like in her old life so that she could have them come test for fingerprints and DNA. It looked like they came in through the window, wrapped up Nova in the blanket while she was sleeping, and kidnapped her for some reason. Then as they were leaving, they must have gotten into a fight with her new fox and one or both of them had been injured, but they still left with Nova.

Amber heard a light tinkling sound like that of a bell and looked over into the corner where a little shadow pixie was sitting down and shaking in fright. She walked over to her and crouched down, it was the little pixie that Amber had caught earlier. Amber pulled a little pot of the mana water out and handed it to her. The pixie stopped shaking and her little nose started to wiggle like a bunny that had just smelled something nice. Amber held the little wooden pot out to the pixie, just enough for her to get a good sniff.

The pixie's eyes widened and she jumped up while grinning and holding out her hands excitedly. She clapped her hands and then pointed her little finger to her own chest, then pointed at the bottle, and then to herself once again. When Amber didn't move, she forgot her fear. She stopped shaking, flew up, and landed on Amber's hand. She bent over and started to yank on the little pot to free it from Amber's hold, but she isn't nearly as strong as Amber's thumb and pointer finger that were holding onto the little pot.

Amber picked her up by the back of her little leaf dress and lifted her up to eye level. At first the pixie still desperately tried to get a hold of the mana water, but once their eyes met, she froze as if she'd been stunned and dropped her arms to her side. Amber shook the little pot of mana water at the pixie. The pixie's bottom lip pouted out and it shook as she looked into Amber's eyes with a begging and dejected look.

"Pfft!" Amber tried to hold in a giggle that wanted to escape while she fought off a grin. She schooled her features and cleared her throat. "I need you to tell me everything that you saw and then I'll give this to you."

The pixie's wings fluttered excitedly against Amber's hand while she grinned and clapped her hands.

The shadow pixie reached out and touched Amber's hand. Immediately she was transported into a world of white cloth and crawled out of the little opening she saw up ahead. She looked back at the makeshift backpack and walked around on the floor. She looked up and there was a massive bed in front of her. It was higher than a three story building. She felt the wings on her back flutter and she was lifted up into the air. The feeling of flying was both frightening and spectacular. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as she looked down and the ground was increasingly further away. The air brushed her face like it was caressing her. She felt comforted and a sense of freedom unlike she has ever felt before.

She flew up into the top corner of the canopy bed and looked down below. There she saw an absolutely enormous Nova sleeping in the bed contentedly. There was a small smile on her lips while she slept and her eyelids wiggled slightly as if she were having a beautiful dream. Curled up against Nova's side was the white fox. She sat down while looking at them and swung her feet back and forth over the edge.

"Crash!" She looked away from the cute sight below her, when a tall lanky man broke the window with a large rock and started elbowing the rest of the large pieces out. Nova frowned and whimpered in her sleep, but she didn't wake up. She rolled over, knocking the sleeping white fox onto the floor. Luckily she didn't crush him with the force of her roll. Once the orange haired man was satisfied with the opening, he slipped through the window. As his other leg came through the opening, a large chunk of glass sliced down the side of his leg. The shard cut open the side of his pants. He cursed as blood started to soak through his pants, slide down his leg, and stain his white sock.

He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and quickly tied it around the wound. Then he limped over to the sleeping Nova.

"No, don't hurt me," said Nova.

The red head looked down at Nova, but she was just having a nightmare. He bent down and dropped some liquid beneath her nose. Then he gathered the ends of the blanket together and as gently as possible, lifted up Nova and held her close.

She sighed contentedly and cuddled up to his side. He looked down with a complicated look on his face, then tightened his jaw and headed out toward the door.

As he walked, the little white fox stood up, and ran towards him. The fox jumped up onto his leg and bit onto the tied on handkerchief, pulling him back.

"Arrrgg!" The man yelled while trying to shake the fox free, but the fox held on tightly. Then the handkerchief broke, before the fox was swung off, and the man's blood splattered onto the floor. The little fox was flung over and slid across the floor. Its white fur was then stained with the man's blood. The fox jumped up and started to lunge again, but was quickly kicked in the head as it approached. It flew across the room with the force of the kick and slammed against the opposite wall. Then it laid against the wall with its eyes closed, as the man roughly shoved the furniture blocking the door, and limped away.

After a few minutes, the fox blinked its eyes and stumbled up, while running unsteadily out the door, and after the man.

Amber blinked her eyes as her perspective changed back into her body.

"Was that your memory?"

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