Chapter 26: Supplies

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Thann and I walked in silence for an hour, until my back started bleeding with the effort of walking and the forgotten stitches. He sat me down and quietly worked cleaning and setting the area. After we started walking again, I spoke up a question as he helped me climb up a tall bank.



I wasn't sure how to ask with the few words he knew. "I want to learn your whole name."

He lifted me by the waist and plopped me up on the top of the shelf before climbing up himself.

When he began the walk again, I grabbed his arm and had him stop to look at me. "Hi, my name is El. Eleanor Kay Stevens." I tapped his heart and made my voice low and manly. "Hi, my name is Thann. DadadadadaThanndaddada."

Smile lines appeared at his eyes and the tip of his lip smirked up surely in appreciation to my awesome guy voice.

"So what is it. El-Eleanor. Thann-Thhhhhh?"

He twisted from me and started walking again.

"Thann," I complained with sadness. "I want to know how to say it. Cane said it."

But he only walked on.

So I did too.

Twenty paces further, he spoke. "Yena Wothanndo."

My pace quickened. "Wait. Yeina Wathandew?"

He chuckled and spoke again when I caught up. "Yena Wothanndo."

It took a good twenty minutes, but he was patient with me until I was able to correctly use the intonations and vowels.

We were still walking, but he turned and caught my eye, giving me a sunny smile.

I smiled back. "Nice to meet you Yena Wothanndo."

He held his hand out, but not to shake. More like in the Victorian movies where the man might kiss the woman's hand. My stomach heated in anticipation, and I placed my hand to his.

Instead, his fingers moved around mine until he was holding my hand. He grinned with a wink. "Thann."

My insides flooded like a hormonal teenager, and I finally knew we were okay.

He then learned my whole name, but it barely took him two minutes to get mine right.

"Eleanor Kay Stevens," he smirked down to me, still holding my hand.

"I like El." I told him. Hearing him say Eleanor felt strange now, like I was always El. But his voice around my full name was intensely sexy and caused a zing down my spine.

The sun was near setting when I tugged on Thann's hand. "Sleep?" We were in a perfect little clearing with a great place for a fire.

His brow furrowed looking straight on for a moment then he watched over the position of the sky. He nodded at some unheard thought and he softened and turned to me. He smiled. "Eyes. No see."

"No see?" I asked confused. It looked like a good spot to stop to me. I didn't know what he was seeing that made it bad, but I would trust his judgment. "Okay." I started stepping away, ready to keep walking.

He was suddenly in front of me and I bumped straight into him.

"Goodness Thann," I laughed, hands gliding up his chest. "You have to stop moving like that. You're too fast."

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