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Taehyung fluttered his eyes open.

He blinked a few times, trying to register.

As memories of what happened clouded his brain, he shot up from whatever space he was out cold on.

He gazed blearily at his surroundings.

He'd been sleeping on the couch.

"Ah, you're finally awake, sheesh I thought I'd have to tell your mom."

A familiar honey coated voice made him jump, then swallow as it crept into his ear.

"J-Jimin." He wasn't sure on what to say.

But suddenly a powerful force knocked him right back onto the couch.

Arms were wrapped around his waist and a familiar scent of chocolate and cinnamon engulfed him as a familiar bunny boy snuggled his face into his neck.

"Hyung you're alive!!" A heavenly voice exclaimed into his ear.

After recovering from having his breath sucked right out of his lungs, Taehyung spoke up.

"Yes Jungkook, I'm alive."

"What happened?" He then questioned the both of them.

"Oh, I don't know." Jimin shrugged his bony shoulders on which the t-shirt he was wearing hung off of.

"We were hanging out and then someone suddenly passed out like the over-studying freak he is!" He exclaimed, rolling his eyes.

But instead of feeling offended, Taehyung felt surprised.

It was all just a very realistic dream?

Jimin and Jungkook didn't fight for no apparent reason and Jimin didn't make Jungkook disappear??

The last one sounded so ridiculous that he ended up giggling at himself for thinking that such a thing would actually happen.

He loosened up.

No reason to be tense or cautious with Jimin now.

"Hey!! What's so funny?? You really did pass out y'know. You got the privilege of having me, Park Jimin, worrying my fine ass off because of you!!" Jimin exclaimed dramatically, taking Taehyung's giggle the wrong way.

This just made Taehyung go silent.

He was thinking about how different the Jimin in his dream and the Jimin in reality were.

How did he even visualise Jimin like that??

"You study a lot hyung?" Jungkook asked, pouting innocently.

"N-No, not really." Taehyung said as Jungkook cuddled to him closer to him, squeezing his arms tighter around the boy's waist as if he were a pillow.

"Oh" Jungkook said thoughtfully, before digging his face back into the crook of Taehyung's neck, making him tense. Though he stopped himself from saying anything as he didn't want to hurt the child-like boy's feelings.

"Anyways-, you can rest for some time, me and Jungkook will wait outside-"

"Jungkook and I." Taehyung corrected with a smile.

Jimin just rolled his eyes with a scoff, but that didn't stop the smile stretching his lips.

Jungkook reluctantly let go of Taehyung (much to his relief) and followed Jimin out the door, leaving the brunette with his thoughts.

He curled himself up with the soft white blanket, heart racing as he remembered the rather strange dream that he had.


"Jiminie hyung~ why don't we talk?" Jungkook uttered, not looking up from the plates and cutlery he was arranging on the dining table.

His voice was bitter sweet, hidden in it was maliciousness and icy murderous intent.

"Talk~? About what??" Jimin asked too sweetly, a spoon bending in his grasp.

"That was quite a stunt you pulled there huh? Teleporting me to the middle of the Sahara Desert." Jungkook said softly.

"You're lucky Taetae hyung believes that it was all a dream." He said, large eyes growing dull, bringing him a rather intimidating look instead of the boyish child he usually was.

As if it was a cue, a plate that was on the kitchen counter now sliding and falling off of it with a crash, resulting in millions of shattered pieces of glass splintering everywhere.

Jimin widened his eyes, but then his smile grew even wider.

"I knew it."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow and tilted his head a little, still not looking up from the light chore he was engaged in, spinning a fork in his hand.

Jimin smirked, looking up at him with an inhuman glint in his eye.

"You're a demon too, aren't you?"


This is where the real fun starts.

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