Chapter 23: I Should've Made Her Stay

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“You’re going to be fine.” I urged in a whisper.  

                My hands were shaking and I tried to steady them around her. I struggled to get the keys from my pocket and I threw them to Scott. “Hurry and get the car! I’ll meet you out front.”

He didn’t say a word. He stepped out of the window and disappeared in the darkness.

                I removed her hand from her wound and my breath hitched in my throat. I placed my hand over it only for a moment. I looked up at her, her eyes opening and closing lazily. “Stay awake for me.” I shrugged off my jacket the best I could and applied the pressure against her wound. She gasped, her eyes squeezing shut. “Willow, I need you to keep your eyes opened.”

She rolled her head to the side, doing her best to look up at me. “You’re okay?” She asked softly.

                “Not a scratch on me.”

She smiled weakly. “Good.”

Her eyes closed again and my heart beat halted a few beats. “You’re going to be okay, too. Just hold on for me.” I was on the edge of begging.

                I managed to stand up with her in my arms. My arms and legs were shaking, but I made it through the window with little difficulty. Scott pulled to a stop in front of the driveway and I rushed towards the car. Scott opened the door to the backseat and I got in with Willow still in my arms. It wasn’t much of a struggle. “We need to hurry!” I panicked.         

                Scott sped towards the hospital and I didn’t know how far we were. I kept my eyes on Willow, resting a free hand on her chest to make sure she was still breathing. Her breaths were short and shallow, but it was something. I placed a hand on her cheek, urging her to open her eyes. She opened them slightly, looking at me. “Ash.” She breathed, a tear rolling down her cheek. “I need Ash.”

I lightly stroked my thumb across her cheek and nodded. “I’ll call him as soon as I get to the hospital. You’re going to be fine.”

                We pulled up to the hospital emergency entrance and Scott jumped out and came to my side. He opened the door as quick as possible and I slid out. I rushed inside, Scott following close behind. The lady at the front desk paced over to us, a panicked look on her face. “What happened?”

                “Gun shot.” I rushed.

Another two guys came towards us, and one of them took her from my arms. “Please help her.” I pleaded. “Please.”

                “They’re taking her back there now. A doctor will be out shortly to let you know any news.” Her face fell into a frown. “I’m sorry, Honey.” She walked back around to the desk and I leaned over it. “I’ll need you to fill out a few forms for me.”

                She made up a stack of papers and handed them to me. I found an empty spot in the waiting room and sat down. It felt impossible to sit still. I looked down at the forms, my hands braced on either side of the clipboard. I couldn’t focus. My hands were bloodied and shaking. I managed to write Willow’s name, stopping at her date of birth.

                It was a date I couldn’t forget, no matter what happened.

                After filling out what I could, I dumped the clipboard in Scott’s lap. “I have things I need to take care of.” I said, my voice nervously shaking.

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