Summer Chapter 4: Underground Alcatraz

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Alright, with this, I should be able to farm 29,000,000 QP in about...5 days! Woooo! That's a new record!

-Kaji, grinding doors for the first time ever.


Y/N: " I?"

You ask yourself. Looking around, you find yourself in a cell. There are opaque walls that you can't see past physically, but you could, spiritually.

Your eyes glow an bright orange, and you see and sense of the Gudako to the the right cell next to you.

Turning your head to the left, you notice the energy of Abigail, the Foreigner. It was so large and it felt evil too, but she couldn't do much with it, she's beating confined with her energy.

Looking forward now, there was an empty cells ahead of you. But before you could do anything, you felt you cell shake slightly to the vibration of footsteps.

When he came into your view, it made your blood turn cold...

Y/N Alter: "See? This is what happens when an organization doesn't keep tabs on their subjects."

Y/N: "'re back?! I thought I finished you!"

Y/N Alter: "You finished me physically, not in the spiritual form however. I was brought back to this island, and I found my purpose."

Gudako: "That explains the...that explains the energy! It oddly similar to Y/N's!"

Emiya: "Let me out of this cell, and you won't see daylight ever again."

Mordred: "We are trapped like a rat in a corner!"

Artoria: "No worries, we can still get out of this situation!"

Mordred: "Hah?! Father?!"

Y/N Alter: "Silence!"

His voice shakes throughout the entire building as he walks around, wearing a dark colored short sleeve jacket and dark pants.

Y/N Alter: "You all are some of the greatest heroic spirits to exist. I will collect your essence and give it to the grail. Once I do that, I will truly, have power over it!"

Gilgamesh: "Touch me, and you're dead."

Y/N Alter: "I'm not worried about that right now, you all rest up. Next morning, will be true terror."

He says, and leaves, the sound of his footsteps fade into the background as the lights are cut off, leaving us in out somewhat dark cells.

Emiya: "This is what happens when we listen to our self proclaimed "leader", isn't that right Gil?"

Gilgamesh: "What makes you think you could've done any better in that situation? He was disguised as me, a perfect move to get the others."

Mash: "G-guys...the more we fight, the problems will occur!"

Y/N: "Mash is right. We need to get out of here before my alter turns us into dust."

Artoria: "Was my alter as evil as this? Maybe..."

Mordred: "I would liked to say the same thing...IF TYPE-MOON GAVE ME MY ALTER!!!"

As everyone argued and talked over each other, I began to examine a power switch. It was mounted on a wall in hallway, it was too far from me to reach.

I could possibly burn it, but in this summer servant form, I don't have the fire in me at all.

But I do have this...

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