Chapter Twenty Seven

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                       R O S A B E L L E

"I'm going to murder that witch. You better take care of the police or I'll murder you too." I could hear Louisa threatening someone and the other person scoffed.

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned as the sunlight was blinding my eyes.

"Belle." Two voice said at the same time and I turn my head towards the voice to see Louisa, Gino and Nick looking at me with big eyes.

"Hey hey do you remember me." Lou asked as she walked closer to me waving her hands over my face and I slapped her hands away.

"Yes you stupid." I hissed at her and all three off them let out a sigh of relief.

"How are you feeling. Does your head hurts? Shall I call the doctor? Are you hungry?" Nick fired questions at me but I rolled my eyes at him and turn my gaze back at Lou.

"Il mio bambino sta bene?" I asked Lou worriedly and she shook her head.


"Ancora non lo sappiamo." Lou and Gino replied at the same time and that's when we realised we fucked up. We know Nick doesn't speak italian so we were communicating in italian but we forgot his bestfriend was fucking italian.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about." Nick asked as he look between his bestfriend and us but we all just ignored him again.

"Per favore non dirglielo, Gino. Te lo spiego dopo, per favore non dirglielo." I pleaded Gino who hesitantly nodded understanding the situation.

Just as Nick was about to open his mouth the doctor came in with a big grin on his face. "Both the mother and the child is safe and out of danger. You can discharge today itself just be more careful and try not to overstress as it is risky for the baby." He said before walking out and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Baby?" Nick murmured and I face. palmed myself. Fuck.

Nick turn towards me with a furious expression. "LEAVE US ALONE." He growled at both of them but Lou didn't budge so, Gino had to carry her out. She is so going to kill Gino.

"When were you going to tell me this?" He asked as he walked towards me angrily and I just shrugged.

"Probably never." I replied honestly and he grabbed my arms tightly making me curse at him.

I hissed in pain and he immediately left me but didn't step back.

"Why? Belle why? Why? WHY? Fucking answer me." He growled at me and I just stared at him with cold face. "Don't you think I deserve to know? I'm the father Belle. The child your carrying is mine too."

I scoffed at him. "Yeah a father who got engaged even before getting officially divorced."

"What!" He half-yelled in confusion but before I could tell him to stop his drama and fuck off, my aunt's lawyer who is also her long time bestfriend walked inside the room without knocking and both of us snapped our heads towards her.

"Mr Ivanov could you please excuse us for a moment. I have something really important to discuss with Ms Wilson." He said in a professional manner.

"It's Mrs Ivanov." He growled at Brad who didn't seem to care much.

"Not for a long time." Brad replied making Nick more angrier and before I knew he had Brad pinned on the wall holding his from the collar of his shirt.

"She is my wife and will remain my wife forever. Try to separate her from me and i'll serve you your head on a platter." He growled at Brad who was looking down at him with fear.

I stood up from the bed before walking towards them. I pulled Nick away from Brad by his collar before shooting him a fake smile. "Get the fuck out of here."


"I said get the fuck out of here." I pointed towards the door and he just glared at me before storming out slamming the door close on his way out. Childish.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you." He said as gave me a soft smile and I nodded in agreement.

"Indeed. It's been five years." I offered him a seat and he sat down before taking out his files.

He was a father figure to me when no one cared for me. He moved away to California where he started investigating about my uncle and aunt's lost daughter who was kidnapped when she was eight.

"I found out something about your uncle's daughter." He said and I sat straight impatiently waiting for him to continue.

"She is alive." He said and I let out a breath of relief that I was holding.

"Where is she?" I asked immediately.

"You might want to have a look at this first." He said as he handed me a file and I nodded before opening it. It was a small piece old newspaper pasted on the middle.

14 February, 2006

The Daughter Of A Millionaire and The Sole Heir Of The Wilson Industry Is Missing!

Arabelle Melania Wilson, the only daughter of the Millionaire Thomas Wilson went missing on 12 February, Saturday.

I turn towards Brad with a ridiculous expression. "Arabelle is not my father's daughter but my uncle's?"

He took the papers from me before taking both my hands in his. "Belle you are Arabelle Melania Wilson daughter of Thomas Wilson and Merida Wilson."

"How- what? Fuck how?" I whisper yelled in frustration. What the fuck is going on in my life.

"Your mother, Merida was my bestfriend. I'm your Godfather Arabelle. I was there when you were born. I gave my word to your mother on her death bed that I will protect you and always be there for you but I couldn't fulfill my promise. Forgive me." His voice broke at the end and tears started running down his cheeks while I just sat there dumbstruck.

"Your father died after you went missing but no one knew what exactly what caused his dead. The police were able to track your location but was bit late because the kidnappers already moved out from the place where they kept you earlier. The car you were in met with an accident while the kidnappers were trying to escape the police and only you survived." He said and I just stayed still.

"You lost your memory. You didn't remember anyone so, your uncle Ben decided to name you after his death daughter, Rosabelle. Not because he love you but because he wanted your money as you were the only heiress of your father's property. He named his daughter Arabelle who's name is actually Annabelle Maria Wilson."

What the fuck is going on. Is this my life or a circus.

"Where were you when I lost my memory?" I asked him coldly. "Why did you kept me with those greedy animals. Do you even know how much I suffered?"

"I'm sorry Arabelle. I was in London investigating about the whole situation and plus Ben told me you didn't survive. No news paper published it too." He reasoned. "Forgive me."

"If I'm Arabelle. Then who is Rosabelle?" I asked curiously out of no where.

"She was Benjamin Wilson's first daughter who died at the age of 3. I just found out yesterday." He explained.

"Your aunt Lara's lawyer has been fighting for your rights since you turned 18. He even tried to tell you about it when he told you about the mansion your aunt left for your but was stopped by Ben who threatened to kill his whole family if he ever tell you anything." He said and I stood up wiping the tears that I didn't realise was there.

"From now on I'll take care of this case myself. And thank you for coming here." He nodded before hugging me and I hugged him back.

"Just call me if you need anything." He said before walking out leaving me with many questions running inside my head.

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