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Alexander's POV

"What are we going to do?" She asked curiously as we made our way through the hallways of the stupid castle. I pulled her closer to me as we entered the more crowded parts of the hallway, ignoring the looks thrown at us from the people parting to let us pass.

"Leaving." I replied as I led her to my room.

"Then why are you taking me to your room?" She fired another question as I opened the door to my room, letting her enter first and closing the door.

She did not get the chance to ask the next question that was on her tongue as our lips connected. My hands looped around her waist, pulling her closer to me as I backed us up to the wall behind her. I pressed her body against the wall as she kissed me back. Her hands tangled in my hair, fisting and pulling at them lightly.

I grunted into the kiss, feeling her lips turn into a small smile as her eyes fluttered close, her eyelashes gently brushing her cheekbones. Sparks erupted under my skin as my hands wandered along her curves, getting the feel of it engraved in my mind.

Her hands lowered to my neck, grabbing my collar in her hands and pulling me closer to her and I could not help the slight lift on the sides of my lips. My hands lowered down her back, squeezing her ass, earning me a gasp. I slid my tongue in her mouth as one my hands fisted her hair, tilting her head to the side as I deepened the kiss. She let out a soft moan which travelled all around my body.

The effect she had on me was something I never expected anyone to have.

Ever since she agreed to give me a chance, slowly she managed to find her way into my heart and mend that piece that was broken with the death of my mother. Even though I would never be able to be how I once was, I was no longer empty and broken.

That part that left with my mother will never come back but Analise filled the void left behind it. She became the missing part that completed me. She became a part of my soul, my mind, my heart. Of me.

We finally pulled away and I rested my forehead on hers as her breathing came out irregular. "What was that for?" I tucked one strand of her dark locks behind the ear.

"I hate the way they talk to you." I admitted as the words of her family came back my mind. I knew they never had a good relation. After what Analise told me, I knew they never got along and they did not like her.

Though, I never imagined that they could go to the extent of humiliating her in front of others without any remorse or regret when she did not do anything wrong. Simply because it was not something they condoned, they deemed it as wrong.

"I stopped caring about them." She held the side of my face in her palms, making me look into her purple eyes that looked so clear and simply heavenly. "It does not affect me anymore." She got on her tip toes, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"I know." I sighed.

"Xander." She gained my attention as I looked at her. "They do not mean anything to me anymore. They are not my family." Her eyes turned glossy as she spoke. "You are." She added softly.

"I don't care about their words or thoughts. Only yours." She gave me a light smile. "You have been by my side when I had nobody Xander. You helped me. Listened to me. Took care of me. Respected my choices. Protected me. Trusted me. Supported me. Cherished me."

Her words did something to me as I felt a lump form in my throat and my heart was beating erratically, at an abnormal pace while my chest constricted. The last time anyone ever said anything similar to this was my mother.

"You make me feel safe and in my messed up life, you are my safe place Xander."

I swallowed the lump in my throat as her words tore down the remaining of the walls I had built around me. "Somewhere I can confide in without being judged. You bring out the best of me and I so grateful to have you in my life."

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