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Both Isqaar and Cami held worried looks as they eyes the shut door in front of them

" What really happened.. before your brother left..?'' Cami asked her.

Isqaar tilted her head left thinking.. trying to rummage through her blank mind

" I don't know.. " she confessed

" Because if she was just sad about his sudden departure.. I think three months were enough to sulk.. " Cami sighed

Isqaar recalled that particular day three months ago..
she was in her beautiful dream when she felt him pat her shoulder ..
She had glared at him for ruining it.. but her glare vanished when she saw how dressed up he was. For a minute her breath hitched

' is it finally the day..?'

He nodded sadly..

' I promise to come back in one piece..'

Her eyes watered as he hugged her

' I don't care when.. just come back Alive..' she said in his arms.

' I will..'

When they let go.. ' be there.. in my wedding' she said last..

He nodded... Putting her back to sleep.. making her think it was a dream when she woke up..

That was three months ago
He hadn't said anything about Ilham.

" I'm as confused as you are.."

Cami frowned.. " do you think they broke up.. ?"

Isqaar thought of the possibility.. ever since Naseer left Ilham had been miserable. She wasn't eating.. she wasn't socializing much..
She missed work
And.. she zones out in most conversations
Ian had called her a month ago telling her Ilham had missed all her appointments
When she confronted her about it she briskly shut her off

And now..  she wanted to move out..

" Maybe we should help her pack.." cami said

Isqaar still had a frown..
" Do you really think it's okay.. "

" It's not like she's moving out of town Bella..she asked to move in with me.. maybe this place reminds her so much of him... Let's give her space.. "

Isqaar sighed.. " go ahead.. help her pack.. I'll be right there.."

Ilham doesn't want Isqaar to bother coming along to Camillá's house all the way down town
She gave her a simple hug and a small smile..

" I need this Issy... I need to get away.. so as I can find myself " she said

Isqaar had forced a smile. But seeing them drive off she welled up

" You're always like this Ilham... Wanting to carry all problems alone... I'm here.. I wanna help.."

She sighed wiping them off  she turned head to the kitchen

She stopped on the doorway

" Caught you.." she said

Jafar was drinking water he paused looking at her through the rim of the glass

" I'm restricting from drinking water?'' he rose his brow

" Nop.. " she chuckled shaking her head

He finished drinking water but his gaze still on the funny expression she gave him

" okay what..?, Did I do something wrong?"

" I caught you staring at her.." she said

Jafar frowned.." who..?"

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