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All these rules must be followed before placing an order!

Follow the community account permanently.

Follow your graphic designer's account permanently.

Add this graphic shop to your reading list.

Credit must be given to the graphic designer.

The graphic designer has the right to refuse your request.

Give this book and this community a shout-out on your message board.

➪ You can request as many graphics as you want as long you aren't requesting the same one to different designers at the same time.

➪ You can request countless graphics from a single graphic designer or different ones as you prefer.

No shop hopping (requesting the same graphic from two graphic designers at the same time), that is disrespectful since graphic designers spend a lot of time on their work.

➪ Make no threats or bribes to designers.

➪ When you request your graphic, you will have to be patient; it will take time.

You should be respectful to everyone.

➪ It is mandatory to use the graphic for 2-3 weeks.

In case the designer didn't provide you with what you needed, let them know so they can make remakes for a certain number unless they said otherwise.

➪ Be sure to complete the form in a clear, accurate manner.

Fleur Graphic Shop [OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now