Chapter One

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It only takes one second for things to change drastically. Moving a plate, dropping a shoe, leaving a jacket set somewhere. Anything can cause a change in the universe, good or bad. Just like they say a butterfly flapping its wings can cause mass destruction somewhere in the world. Or something similar to that formality.

But that doesn't change the fact that life is fickle. So is destiny and so is fate. They're the same thing.

Was it in my destiny to be mistreated by my mother and father, the two people who were meant to love me the most? What or who causes this divine intervention that sets up the direction of our lives?

Timothy and Ameri were the biggest obstacles in my life that I faced. The two of them were forces of evil I had never encountered before. Yes, I had to deal with my neglectful parents following my twelfth birthday when I didn't shift, then failed to ever get my wolf. And yes, my pack began to treat me the same. I was an outcast and there was nothing I could do about it.

I still wonder why these things have happened to me. Though I have to remind myself that people have gone through worse things.

But even now, I want to curse whoever is playing these games with me; with my life. Despite us defeating the villains of our lives, I don't feel as if things are better. There's always a constant feeling of dread, like something is still going to happen.

There's an ominous tone in the air that only I seem to notice. Everyone else around me is happy and they're getting along quite well.

All I can do is let this feeling swell inside of me. Since our battle, it's been eating away at me because that's all it was; a battle. It wasn't the war. But I won't bother anyone with this. Not when things have been so good. Not when things have been so calm.

The sigh that leaves me is haggard and full of repressed emotions. It's been a year of hiding everything and only recently has it been taking a toll. Banging and laughing fills my ears. Pattering feet outside the room disturbs the sleep I can't find and the house shakes ever so slightly from their stomping.

I smile slightly, enjoying the sound of happy, carefree children. They're experiencing life because of what we've done. If Timothy had been the one to succeed, I just know that things would be so much different. And if Ameri had survived the blast that came from my hand, I think I'd be dead now.

Forcing myself up, I stretch and yawn. My phone lights up with a game notification and the time reads nine in the morning. It's too early for running kids and work, yet it's not at the same time.

Coldness has seeped into the sheets on either side of me. My two mates seem to have left hours ago. Unlike me, the two of them have flowed well into this life. Leadership has become them while I've begun falling into a pit of paranoia and possible depression.

When my feet land on the hardwood floor, a bout of dizziness overtakes me. Shaking the daze off, I pull on sweats that are sitting on the floor. Though I still feel groggy, I march my way to the bathroom to fix my hair and get rid of the morning breath.

As I'm practicing hygiene, the door to our room opens. Looking behind me, I connect eyes with the vampire I call my mate. Her black hair rests over her shoulders in straight strands. Her long legs work as she makes her way over to me, a smile on her face.

"I was just coming to check on you," she says as she wraps her arms around me. Naturally, Alexei towers over me, but I've always liked that about her. "How'd you sleep? You tossed and turned a bit last night."

I have to stop my body from tensing or else Alexei will pick up on it quickly. "I was a bit restless I think. Probably bad dreams, but I can't remember them." The lie rolls off smoothly, causing a knot of guilt to form in the back of my throat.

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