CHAPTER 11- She fights back??

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Siddarth's POV

As we entered after a long tiring yet beautiful day we were greeted by a sight of Diya and Jiya shouting

"How did you all let this happen?"

"We don't accept this marriage"

"That lady is nothing more than a girl desperate to become a ROY"

My mind questioned who they were talking about?...Is it Riya?...If yes, I can't believe my sister's calling their bhabi desperate and such stuff and don't they know she is already too rich to play tricks to become a ROY....huh!!!

We entered and they all looked at us with gloomy faces and as Diya and Jiya turned around they narrowed their eyes at the girl standing beside me with a blank look at her face.

"How come our sweeter than bitter gourd Bhabhi is early to home today?" Diya asked with her voice laced with sarcasm looking at Riya.

We took a step inside and chachi closed the door behind us sensing that today the fight is going to deepen.

Jiya marched towards Riya and stood before her crossing her hands against her chest and in a harsh tone she spat

"We have heard that you are a working woman or probably a businesswoman, so what happened? Your company drowned or your employer fired you that you grabbed the opportunity of marrying our rich and handsome brother"

What the hell! Is my sister mad. I know there is no picture of Riya in the media except for an interview but if she doesn't know her she shouldn't utter rubbish. I wanted to laugh out loud because the girl they are insulting can wreak havoc in seconds because she is the queen of business that every newspaper talks about.

She was listening quietly and Jiya and Diya were getting louder by every passing minute. I was almost preparing myself to lash out at them as she won't fight against family.

"This family was a priority for Neha Di but you don't give a damn about us. You just care about the business contract" Diya passed the rude comment.

"You are a gold digger and one of those who are never satisfied with their life. That business deal must be really important that you forgot that he doesn't love you. You just run behind money" Jiya spoke again.

Now they are crossing their limits and calling her names. I am fuming with anger now but she was standing there blankly looking at them, never breaking eye contact with them.

"Leave it Jiya, you are wasting your time on this cheap girl who put her life at stake for a business contract" Diya said.

I was going to speak but suddenly the door opened and Veena came running inside with a huge grin on her face which was lit up like a Christmas tree. Riya was still looking at the twins. Veena rushed to Riya and stood between the twins and her and said "Shreya is doing extremely well in London and she has excelled in her class. Thanks Riya, it's all because of you."

Veena bent down to touch Riya's feet but she held her by shoulders and pulled her in for a bone crushing hug. Riya said in her ears "Di, I am so happy for you and dare you pull this foot touching stunt again" which was clearly audible to me as I was standing next to her. They both giggled and pulled back.

"People bring jewels or luck to their in-laws ' house but she has brought another burden called Veena. A worthless servant" Jiya eyed veena with disgust.

I can't handle it anymore now and suddenly I heard a loud voice booming in the hall

"CONTROL YOUR TONGUE, MS JIYA ROY" Riya shouted making everyone flinch. Veena gasped and I looked at Riya whose eyes were red in anger and shooting daggers at the twins.

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