chapter fourteen

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narrator pov <3

short chapter!!

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" Sarah had asked going up to the doctor.

"She fainted for two reasons, one, she suffered a panic attack. She had a lot of adrenaline and adrenaline stimulates the body. It made her heart beat faster and her blood vessels narrower, thereby increasing blood pressure which unfortunately led to her faint. Also there hasn't been any food in her system for two days, and that made her blood sugar incredibly low." The doctor said.

"Okay. Thank you so much, when can we go see her?" Sarah asked.

"We can have one visitor for the remainder of the night, but tomorrow we can increase the amount. I think she can be discharged tomorrow." The doctor responded.

"Okay, thank you so much."

Sarah walked back her friends who were sitting close enough to where they could hear. Everyone knew Sarah loved her friend more than anything and would choose Luci's happiness over her own, anytime.

"Why hasn't she eaten?" JJ asked Sarah clearly concerned.


"I wanna know too. Because when we went to her house to fix my bruise, you had asked her when she had last eaten? Why?" John B questioned.

"She has eating issues." Sarah struggled to spit out.

"Like.. diet issues?" Pope asked.

"Not exactly," Sarah continued, "She has body dysmorphia. It's not too bad anymore, it's been getting better."

"So... she stops eating and doesn't say anything? To anyone?" Kie asked.

"Yeah, basically."

"God. How long has this been going on?" John B asked.

"Umm.. since we were like, twelve? I think."

"Have you tried talking to her about it?" Pope questioned.

"Duh. So many people have, she doesn't listen."


"Are we gonna call Mrs. Sanchez?"

"No. Her parents are in the Bahamas until tomorrow." Sarah tells them.

"Damn. They are always going somewhere." JJ mutters.

"Then who's gonna pay the hospital bill?"

"I will." Sarah answers.

"We all will be able too, once we get the rest of that gold." John B reminds his friends.

"Yeah, baby!"

Sarah stayed overnight with her friend and the rest of them came later in the day. Everyone took turns talking to Luciana. JJ decided he wanted to go last, just so no one would get suspicious. He walked in the room and saw the girl laying on the bed, still unconscious.

"Hey, Luci." He greeted her as he sat down on the chair beside her, "To be honest, I barely know you and you already like-- got into my head. I used to think what everyone else did, that you're a spoiled brat and that you're a bitch. But those rumors are so far from the truth.. I think people need to get to know you before they say shit like that because honestly you are nothing like that. You're really nice and you protect your friends more than anything.. and you have you're own set of problems that no one really knows about. Luci.. you really are a great person and I'm happy I got to go on that trip to the mainland with you, I know that it's hard to try to change. Especially when people have this image of you that they swear defines you and when you try to change, they bring it up. You're not a bitch, you're not a brat, you're perfect. At least, to me."

He held her hand in his and looked down at them. JJ's mind was wandering off and he was wishing she would wake up and give him a hug. That time where they cuddling together in her room, he felt at home. He felt safe, like holding her was the place he belonged. Another universe where all his problems went away, it was just Luciana and JJ, only them, no one else, no problems... just them two.

Luciana's fingers lightly moved and JJ who was holding them noticed right away. A whisper came from her mouth and it was quiet, almost as if he couldn't hear her. "You still have to make it up to me." Her tone was soft and quiet.

"Luci?" JJ looked up at her and a smile took over his straight face.

"Hi." She whispered.

JJ smiled and chuckled, "Hi."

"Thank you." She mumbled.

"For what?" JJ was confused.

"Believing in me." She smiled and turned her head to see the blonde boy.

"Of course."

"She's awake?!" Sarah yelled as the pogues busted into the room behind her. JJ quickly moved his hand away from hers and cleared his throat.


"Luci! You poor thing, how are you?" Kie sat next to her on the bed.

"I just woke up, and I'm exhausted, these lights are bright." She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times.

"Okay, well the doctor said that you can leave today, and guess what?" John B says.


"I found the gold." He lowered his voice so none of the doctors heard.

"You did what?!"

"We found it!"

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now