Part 12

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Lauren answer us!

What is this?

This picture is fake right?


Are you a gay now?

A picture was taken. Lauren cannot believe their kiss at the park was caught on camera. The picture has been circulating around for the past few hours. From what she could piece together, one of her classmates, Presley, was vlogging at the park and she got a snapshot of Lauren and Camila kissing in the background. It's undeniable.

Honestly, Lauren was surprised at how reactive people were. Nobody seemed to care that Camila was gay, why did it matter if she was too? However, most of the reactions she's seen were from people who are really close with her friends and family. She hasn't experienced the overall reaction of her classmates yet.

Alexa was trying to facetime her. She honestly didn't know if she should answer. Lauren can't face her. She knows how she'll react. But if they don't talk now, Lauren doesn't know if they ever will.

Lauren took a deep breath and decided to answer the call, "Hello?"

"Laur," Alexa answered, "Why haven't you been answering our texts? We're worried sick! Do you know what people have been saying?"

"Yeah, I know," Lauren looked down at her hands.

"It's not true right?" Lauren didn't respond, "Lauren, tell me it's not true!" Alexa sounded desperate - like this was her worst nightmare come true. Lauren's heart broke; she didn't want to be her best friend's worst nightmare.

"It is," Lauren whispered, "Okay?" She could feel a lump growing in her throat.

"What?" Alexa's voice broke, "But - but you're my best friend."

"And we can still be - "

"No, we can't, Laur!" Alexa shouted, "What you did wasn't right. Hanging out with her is not right."

"But we're friends."

" 'Friends?' " Alexa scoffed, "She's corrupted you. You can't be friends with her anymore, Laur."

"What?" Lauren furrowed her brows, "No, I can't do that."

"You can't get better if you're around her - you know that."

"There's nothing wrong with me, Alexa." Lauren needed her to understand. She needed to get through to Alexa that this was who she was. They're best friends. She has to understand.

Alexa rubbed her forehead, "And the fact that you think that you don't think this is a problem tells me that you've been around her for too long."

Lauren took a deep breath. She didn't want to say this, but she knew she had to, "If you make me, I will choose Camila over you, Alexa."

Alexa's eyes widened, "What? We've known each other our whole lives! You can't throw that away."

"I'm gay, Alexa. You need to accept that."

"Don't say that," Alexa's voice was shaking, "There are places that can help you."

Lauren closed her eyes and felt a tear slip out, "I'm sorry, Alexa." And with that, Lauren hung up the phone, and she never felt more alone.


The second Camila walked into work, she was called into the back by her boss, Thomas. She hoped it was good because she couldn't deal with more bad news.

He took a deep breath, "Camila, you know you're one of my best workers . . . but I'm going to have to let you go."

Camila's shoulder's dropped, "What? Why?"

"Remember the day I had to put you in the kitchen? Your work that day was unacceptable."

Camila was shocked. That was almost a month ago. Since then, Camila's been a star worker. Thomas cannot be serious, "That was so long ago, Thomas."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you really firing me?" Camila stood her ground. But then it clicked, "Is it because of that stupid photo?"

Thomas looked down, "Not necessarily."

"This is discrimination!"

"No, we're letting you go because of your decreasing ability to do your job properly."

"And to think," She scoffed, "I thought we were friends."

Thomas lowered his voice, "I'm sorry, but this is a family business. We can't have you on staff any longer. Can I have your name tag?"

Camila ripped her name tag off her shirt, "Fine! I don't want to work with people like you anyway!" She stomped out of the building, slamming the door on the way out.

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