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Chapter 25 Part 2 – Lu Yaoyao (II)

Lu Yaoyao was sitting on the beast skin blanket, playing with beautiful pearls of various colors. Beautiful Daddy sat cross-legged on the side. He stared at her for a moment and suddenly exclaimed in a loud voice: “You have been born for a few months, but can only speak one word. Are you a fool?” His tone was full of disgust.
Lu Yaoyao immediately protested: “Ah! Pah!” She isn’t a fool! Moreover, she can speak more than one word. She already spoke three different words!

Daddy praised her for being smart before, but now he was saying that she was stupid! Humph! Daddy was too fickle and forgetful!

Lu Qingyu nonchalantly remarked: “So, to prove that you are not a little fool, what about you say ‘Daddy’ now?”

Lu Yaoyao raised her small head proudly. That was easy!

When Lu Yaoyao was about to prove that she was a smart little baby, Father suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stared at her silently.

Lu Yaoyao’s eyes widened, and she quickly shut her mouth. She was almost fooled by Daddy!

“Ah, pah!”

Yao Jiuxiao came over, took the child into his arms, turned around, and walked away.

Lu Qingyu was left alone. He flicked his sleeve casually and followed behind.

In the world of white snow, a large pot was placed on the ground, which looked very conspicuous. Yao Jiuxiao brought Lu Yaoyao to the side of the pot.

Lu Yaoyao poked her little head curiously. What was Father cooking? The lid was closed, and it didn’t smell like the usual meat broth. She also seemed to smell….something burnt?

She was very curious. But the lid covered the pot tightly, and she couldn’t see what was inside.

This time they went out, Lu Qingyu and Yao Jiuxiao’s gains were not small. They now knew various foods the child could eat, and obtained a good amount of stockpile in their grotto-cave. With this stockpile, there would be no problem feeding the child for another decade or so.

After seeing that the child liked to eat spiritual egg custard, Yao Jiuxiao asked about the recipe from the weasel demon and carefully noted it down.

Having fully memorized the simple recipe, Yao Jiuxiao was full of confidence. He presumed that the child wouldn’t be full with just one spiritual egg, so he wanted to cook two. However, two eggs couldn’t fit a small bowl.

Yao Jiuxiao didn’t think there was much difference between a bowl and a pot, except in size, so he put aside the bowl and directly cracked the two spiritual eggs into the pot. He then poured in some water from the spiritual spring in his grotto-cave, stirred the mixture briefly, and set the pot on celestial fire.

After the egg mixture was half-solidified and began to resemble a custard, he sprinkled the seasoning on the surface and cover the pot with a lid. After that, he put out the fire and let the egg be cooked with the remaining heat of the charcoal fire. After a while, a tender and delicious egg custard would be ready.

There was a faint excitement on Yao Jiuxiao’s usually cold face. Under Lu Yaoyao’s curious gaze, he lifted out the lid cut out of ancient spiritual wood.

Seeing Father, who seemed to be glowing in pride, Lu Yaoyao became even more curious. She watched intently, waiting for the revelation.

Eh? Why did she seem to see grey smoke? Lu Yaoyao’s eyes were full of expectation. But what was the thick layer of black thing on the bottom of the pot?

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