Chapter 65 - Big Little Lies

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I stand there frozen, staring at the spot where the woman was standing. Then I look up at Sacha and all the other Nephilims behind him, all looking stunned.

"What was that?" Olivier blurts out finally. "What had just happened?"

"Are you okay?" asks Sacha, clasping his hands on my shoulders as though he's trying to bring me out of my daze.

"She called me a Valkyrie," I whisper, frowning. Then I shake my head. I'm a Cambion. A half-demon. I am not a Valkyrie. "She must have mistaken me for someone else."

He rests his palm on my cheek, then he places his fingers under my chin to bring my face up to his. "It's been calling for you, Danica. You told me you felt it the first time you saw the Blackwell Estate. There was no mistake."

I let out a deep breath and nod. I'm feeling confused and I have a lot of questions in my head but having Sacha by my side helps. I lean into his touch before I look down at the Grimoire in my hand.

It's leatherbound and looks quite similar to the Grimoire that Astaroth has and the one that was taken from the Nephilims but the energy is slightly different. Still, it makes my blood sings in my veins and my skin quiver.

I lift another hand up to touch the cloak on my shoulders. But the moment my fingers sink into the soft feathers, the cloak disappears as though it melts right into my skin. As though it's now a part of me.

This is a lot for me to take in, even as a half-demon or a Valkyrie..or whatever else that I am.

Looking at Sacha's worried expression, I take another deep breath and smile. "I never cease to amaze you, huh?" I say to him, trying to lighten things up. "I amaze myself sometimes. I'm that amazing."

"Yes, you are," agrees Sacha, cracking a smile. But I see Olivier looking as though he's trying hard not to roll his eyes.

The smile suddenly melts off my face and my gaze sharpens. I look all around us but I can't see anything beyond the thick white fog.

"What's happening?" asks Sacha, suddenly looking alert. The Nephilims behind him are looking very tense as well. They too must have sensed the danger.

I catch a whiff of sulfur and the fog seems to thicken around us.

"Here, take this." I hand the book to him. "Take it away from here and keep it safe."

Instead of taking the Grimoire, his hand circles around my wrist. His hazel eyes flash with a warning. "You're not going back to him."

"Sacha, it's not up to me now." I press the Grimoire into his hand and firmly close his fingers around it. "He knows that I'm here. He's coming for me, Sacha. And when he gets to me, he's going to take the Grimoire away. You can't afford to have this one taken away too."


"This is their realm, Sacha, they're powerful here."

The smell of sulfur becomes stronger and the fog grows thicker.

"Come with me now," he says urgently.

"No time," I tell him just before the fog swallows me whole and takes me away. I knew this would happen. They might not be able to touch the Nephilims but I am one of them- I'm still a creature of hell. My sire knows how to find me in this realm where he reign.


The fog clears and I find myself staring into a pair of bright blue eyes, a shade lighter than my own on a beautiful face that doesn't look a day over thirty.

"Hello, my Danica," he says with that soft smile. His dark brown hair is perfectly styled and his suit and tie are immaculate. Sometimes I forget how handsome and charming he could be. "Welcome home."

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