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~Three years later~

"Mommy!" A tiny voice calls. Little feet trampled against the floor, running towards the kitchen. "Mommy." Another call comes.

I signed. "Yes, baby?" I asked looking down at my three-year-old daughter who was making grabby hands wanting me to pick her up. "Baby I can't hold you now, I'm doing the dishes."

Her small hands tugged on my dress. I look to see her smiling brightly at me with her head leaning to the side. She loves having my attention, If I'm not around her for five minutes she would throw a fit and get fussy. "Bree I'll be with you in a minute. Ok?"

She pouted not pleased with my answer, her big gray doe eyes become glossy. "Mommy up pwease."

"Brianna I said no! I'm doing the dishes." I think I said that a little too harsh.

Ya think?

Her little lips started to tremble and tears rolled down her chubby cheeks. I hold back a curse and wash my soapy hands, then pick her up. I hate when she cries especially when I'm the cost of it. "Aw baby don't cry. Shhhh, mommy's so sorry." She clenches onto my shirt and cries even harder. I lukewarm a bottle of milk for her and feed her with it through her sippy cup. She calms down but was still sulky. I sit here on the counter then place kisses all over her face which causes her to giggle. I love her giggles, makes me forget about all my worries.

"Mommy swop." Her baby voice screamed between her giggles.

I laughed and stop just as she told me to. Her cheeks were flushed from all the excitement. "Now, will you stay here till I'm done with the dishes?"

She pouted and turned her head away from me. I pulled her mini mouse shirt up a little and blow a raspberry on her squishy tummy. "Yes or no Bree. I will not be ignored." I said in a deep cartoon voice.

She giggled and nod her head. "Yes mama. I stay." She grined showing her deep dimples.

I smile in aw and raffled her black curls. "Good girl."

After I was finished with the dishes I played with her for an hour then she was out like a light. So now I'm watching a movie, thankfully something other than cartoons and nursery videos.
Teenwolf is a movie that I have taken a big interest in. It's hilarious. I love supernatural movies so that may be one of the main reasons why I love the show so much. I was at the scene where Stiles was telling Scott that 'some need to sex him right now when my phone rings. Ted's name pops up on the caller ID.

This idiot is always calling at the wrong time. "What do you want?" I answered still focused on the movie.

"Rude as always." He said in a displeased tone.

"How may I help you?"

"So I can't check up on you guys again?" He asked annoyed. "How is my niece?"

I look at Brianna's sleeping form and slightly smiled when she snuggled her head in my chest. "She's okay. She's sleeping."

"I want to see her."

"Video call?"

He signed. "No Lora in person. Why don't you two come spend the summer with us?"

"Ted we've had this conversation before I'm not coming back."

"Why are you so stubborn?" He huffed.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not stubborn, It's just that I don't want to see him."

"Forget about that son of a bitch I want to see my niece. I'll pick you guys up Monday at the airport."

"So controlling." I mumbled under my breath. "Ok fine I'll see you Monday." I only agree because of two reasons. One, I think Bree will enjoy the trip especially if her crazy uncle will be there. Two I need Ted off my back with this topic.

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