𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳

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"Everything should be perfect," I grin, "I want my dear to love it."

"She will, sir!" My guard jumps in excitement, "I can't wait to see our queen all grown up."

"She is so beautiful," I lean back into the chair, "You're going to be jealous of me."

"No, sir!" He denies, "I will be happy for you."

"I hope my dear falls in love with me quickly," I sigh, "I'll give her everything she's ever wanted."

"She is lucky to have a man like you, sir!" He says, "Respects her, loves her and protects her with his life!"

"I'm lucky too," I reply, "I'm very lucky and soon I'll be the luckiest man alive on Earth when she falls in love with me."

"I can't wait, sir. I can't wait until she falls in love with you and comes back to the castle as our queen. She would be an amazing queen," he praises.

I smile, "She would be an amazing mother too. I want four to five kids with her. I want to raise them to be the most successful people on Earth."

"Sir! You don't even have to worry. She would be giving birth to living Gods. You are a God, she will be given immortality once you claim her. Your sons and daughters will be conquerors of worlds!" He exclaims.

I chuckle and close my eyes thinking about our life. We'd be so happy. We'd be happy with our small family. I will love her so much she will be overwhelmed. I will love our kids and give them everything. I sigh, "I can't wait."

"Sir, where will you be holding the date?" He asks.

"I have rented out an entire restaurant," I smile, "I'll have a band play her favourite songs. I also have hired the best chefs to make her anything she wants."

"Will you dance with her, sir?" 

"I will if she is comfortable with it," I reply thinking about holding her hand and slow-dancing with her. Heaven... She is heaven. Even the thought about her is heavenly.

"I'll return home now," I stand up, "My dear will finish her work soon and I need to pick her up."

"Is she alone, sir?" He asks.

"No," I answer, "I left her under the supervision of her friends."

"Friends?" He asks with a frown.

"Yes," I smile, "Her friends are really nice."

"I see," the guard smiles.

"I'll be leaving," I walk out.

"Bye, sir!" My guard waves happily and I chuckle shaking my head. 

I quickly walk around my castle to make sure everything is okay and teleport back home to pick my dear from work.


I had informed her about the date. She told me she would be fully free after her work. So I arranged it to be as soon as possible.

"I don't have a dress to wear," she complains, "Everything nice is back in my house!"

"You look good in everything, Yuna," I reply.

"But I can't possibly wear jeans and a top to our date. Can I?" She asks.

"You can," I smile, "I'll be fine with whatever you wear as long as you're there." 

"But what about others? I don't want to embarrass you," her voice goes low.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

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