Chapter 19: Escap-oh no

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AN: here's chapter 19. Enjoy, people.

My absolutely amazing friend Kappachi made this for me! Thanks so much :) ^

The cuts healed; her heart didn't.


When I opened my eyes, it was dark outside. Next to the bed was a plate of cold green gloop and bread with a glass of water. I gulped the water and bread down greedily, but decided it was a pass on the gloop. I then remembered what Marigold had told me.

For reasons unknown, I decided to do a tuck roll to the desk- mission impossible style. However, I didn't realise the amount of skill it would take to do that. With a loud bang! I crashed against the desk, letting out a string of colourful words.

"Oh shizzballs." I groaned, staggering to my feet. Black spots danced across my vision and I blinked rapidly. Once I was confident the room had stopped spinning, I set to work creating a rope out of the bajillion bedsheets in the cupboard.

Seriously, why the hell do we have so many bedsheets?! Was Celia a serial killer who collects her victims bedsheets?

The scary thing? I wouldn't put it past her.

Quite quickly, I fashioned a rope of about twenty metres. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and my hands shook slightly as I picked the lock of the window. I tied one end to the bedpost, then dropped the bundle of sheets out the window, into the inky darkness below. Then, I pulled myself on to the little window ledge, balancing for a few seconds. A small seed of doubt planted itself in my mind. How could I be sure that Marigold isn't faking? What if this is a trap? What if-?

"Arianna?" Celia sang and knocked on my door. The handle slowly pushed down. "I have your wedding dress here for you! You can try it on, for the wedding day after tomorrow!" On my birthday?!

Fate had made my decision for me.

"MY NAME IS ARYA!" I yelled, grabbing a sheet between my sweaty palms and making my descent. I heard the door jiggle and my name- my real name- being shouted. Alarm bells were echoed through the house and I sped up.


I screamed and swatted my hand at the source before my brain registered the nickname.

"Holy shit Greenie!" Lucas yelped, swinging away from me. I apologised sheepishly and noticed that he was also climbing down the rope. I smiled. Did Marigold help him too?

"Come on!" I whispered once we'd both reached the ground, "my sister told me a way to escape."

"Lead the way!"

We sprinted through the blackness, the only source of light being the pale moon. Droplets of dew clung to my legs like a second skin as we sprinted through the fields. Soon, we reached the edge of the property. A lonely road stretched on for miles in either direction, a flickering yellow lamp illuminated the wooden bench beside the iron wrought gate. I picked the silver clasp on the gate and Lucas helped me pull it open.

"What do we do now?" Lucas asked, rubbing his hands together and blowing hot air into them.

"Marigold said we should wait for her here." I answered softly, trying to quash the nerves threatening to engulf me.

"Marigold? Doesn't she... hate you?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but stopped abruptly, catching sight of a red car pulling up next to us. I squinted at the bright headlights. A figure stepped out of the car and I smiled, walking towards them.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora