Chapter 6.

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"A dance, huh?" Tali chuckled, shifting her relaxed position on my bed.

"Yeah, but it's kind of different," I replied beside her, explaining further.

"I should've known. Got to admit that sounds awesome though. Virtual Reality. It'll take centuries for Ridgeton High to get there I'll tell you that," She grumbled. "And when the principal is not a descendant of the Glenny clan."

"Like that'll ever happen." I snickered at that last statement. "People are pairing up so fast it's scary," I added, telling her about the girl who thought it'll be a good idea to start fireworks in Electronics class to ask her date out to the dance.

   The only interesting thing was Mr.Walsh's man-child fit. And I thought I was the lonely one.

   That, however, was dethroned by the couple who asked each other out at the same time with smart watch corsages in the lunchroom just yesterday.

"Wow, this doesn't make me hate my life at all." She sighed.

   I rolled my eyes. "I kind of just want this dance to be gotten over with already."

"Hmm." Talise sat up. "So..."

"So... what?" My anxiety began to kick in at the inevitable question I didn't have to predict.

"Has anyone asked you?"

   I pursed my lips at her wiggling eyebrows.

"Are you kidding? When I tell you half the school hates me, I don't just mean the girls, you know. And the other half won't dare to risk their reputations by asking me out." I shrugged.

"Well, you could still hang out with those who don't hate you. You know, your friends," Tali said.

"Yeah, that's probably what I'll do."

   Her hopeful look was a bit unnerving though.

   But I had to admit a part of me was too. Hopeful, I mean. Call me a terrible friend but I was really counting on the fact that no one had asked Minji out yet. At least I won't look so pathetic.

   If  I decided to go that is.

"So you're definitely going then?"

"I wouldn't say definite—"

"Oh, come on Beth." I winced at the kick I received in the side by her one socked foot. "It's going to be at home! Not even you can screw this up!"

   I know Talise didn't mean much by it, but she might as well have just kicked me in the heart at that statement. I expressed my depression in the quietest and most comfortable way possible; by sinking deeper into my bed's covers.

"Thanks for that, Tali." I mumbled. "Really."

"You know what I mean." She replied, pulling on the comforter I had shielded my body with. I'm not going to allow you to restrict yourself from having a good time. You went to only two dances in Ridgeton. Two!"

"Even if I decide to go, I'll still be an outcast. Like Ridgeton. Everyone will be with dates but me. Like Ridgeton." I cast her a knowing glance. "Need I say more?"

"It'll be different this time." She nudged me with a small smile.

"Because it's virtual reality?" I muttered into the pillow I'd burrowed my head in.

"Because it's not Ridgeton."

"You mean a sticky, sweaty, alcohol-infused almost orgy?"

"Yeah! See? You're getting it now!" She poked my shoulder. "And you know you could just ask someone out first right?"

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