Another addition

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*Diego's POV*

"Oh look at that cute little baby Diego" Soto voiced out while he and I watched the baby and the rest of the humans in the camp.

"Isn't it nice, he'll be joining us for breakfast?"

"It wouldn't be breakfast without him" I replied staring and watching closely down on the humans.

"Especially since his Daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm." Soto said with a hint of anger.

"An eye for an eye. Don't you think?" he questioned turning towards me.

"Let's show that human what happens when he messes with sabers." I spat back.

"Alert the troops we attack at dawn." I started to walk off to carry out Soto's orders.

"Diego, bring me the baby... alive, if I'm going to enjoy my revenge. I want it to be fresh." I then walked off to do as he said.

*Y/n's POV*

Me and Manny were side by side, carrying as many logs as each of us could carry. Sid trailed behind us doing who knows what, but at least he's quiet.

"Whew, I'm wiped out." Sid overexaggerated while dragging one stick, me and Manny placed our logs down in the places we were going to sleep, which was side by side as always.

"That's your shelter?" Manny asked Sid also noticing his stick, if you can even call it a stick it's so small.

"Hey you're a big guy. You got a lot of wood. I'm a little guy." Sid explained, which to be fair he wasn't wrong I shrugged looking up to Manny.

"Y/n's smaller than me by a lot and still got a lot more wood than you did." again Manny was correct I did manage to carry a decent amount of wood for my shelter tonight.

"That's because she's a saber, they are a lot stronger than most animals so it makes sense she'd have a lot more wood than me." AGAIN, neither of them are wrong.

"Sid, you got half a stick." I stated, I mean he could've carried more.

"Yeah but my little stick, and my highly evolved brain... ow!" Sid had hit himself in the eye with his half a stick, of course I rolled my eyes at this.

"I shall create fire." is he serious right now? Him create fire equals no, I glanced at Manny who showed the same expression of confused and 'is he for real' look. We both turned around and started to create our places of shelter for the night.

"Fascinating" Manny said sarcastically, this made me smile.

"We'll see if brains triumph over brawn tonight, now, won't we?" Sid said with a lot of confidence, "This can only go bad" I thought aloud which earned a hum of agreement from Manny who had heard me.

~Time skip brought to you by Thunder and Lightning~

Me and Manny sat there as we watched Sid sit sadly rubbing his now 2 pieces of sticks against one another, in attempt to create fire.

"Hey, I think I saw a spark." Manny said lighting up Sid's face until he realised Manny was lying, to be honest I did feel a little bad for Sid but he get's what he get's.

"Uh, any chance I could squeeze in there with you, Manny, old pal?" I looked towards Manny waiting for his response, although I have a feeling I know the answer.

"Oh, isn't there someone else you can annoy? Friends, family, poisonous reptiles?" I was right, although I didn't know he'd say the last bit.

"Oh, my family abandoned me." Sid said a little to nonchalantly for my liking.

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