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"Um, excuse me, who are you?" I asked, confused, "who are you..?" the girl asked me. "I asked first, didn't I?" I said, resting my eyes "my name is Mimi. Are you one of Romeo's hoes?" she asked me. This bitch. "Uhm.. No, I'm the daughter that my parents abandoned when I was three." I said, standing straight. "Yelena?" She asked me with her eyes widening "yes. Now, who are you, and why are you in my room?"

"Yelena, I'm Mimi. We used to be best friends when we were little!" she laughed. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you," I told her. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to my brothers "guys, look; I found Yelena!" She said, jumping up and down, but I just stared at her then glanced at my brothers with a confused look. "She most likely doesn't remember you. She was only three."

Romeo said, "that's okay! We can just be friends again now!" she said with a gigantic smile painted on her face "can we?" she turned to me and pouted her bottom lip.I was down to be friends with her because it wasn't like I had anything else to do. "Yeah sure." I said with a smile

Adrian POV:

I was in love with her. I can't show it, though. I am too well known to show that kind of emotion. Emotionless comes in the job description. Her father is making it harder for me to get closer to her.

I plan on marrying her in the near future, I wanted her to be my queen, and I wanted to be her king. I couldn't describe the way I felt about her. There were no words to describe it. If I could, I would. When I first laid eyes on her, my life felt better, and my scars felt healed. She would make my heart beat a thousand times a second every time she entered a room.

I'd only known her for two days and immediately fell in love with her. I wanted to say I liked her back desperately, but I couldn't. My life is dangerous. It would kill me if I were to bring another person I fell in love with into my life just for them to die the next day. This has happened much to many times for me to fall for this bull shit again.

You are mine and mine to keep and hold. You are only for me.
Carlos POV:

I loved Yelena with passion. She is my daughter. I was only keeping her away from Adrian for her own safety. Losing people I loved has happened too many times. I will never make that mistake again. When she was born, I swore to keep her safe at all costs; I would sacrifice my life for her, I would die for her.

Adrian is like a son to me, but if he put my daughter in dangers way, I would have to get rid of him permanently. She has only been back at home for two days, and I could tell she fell in love with him. He was going to ruin her life. Being in the mafia is nothing to play with. That's why I haven't decided to tell her about our family.

Lying to her was the only way.
I love you, Yelena.

Yelena's POV:

"So let me catch you up on some things! I'm The second youngest in the Ricci family, and I love baby's!" She said happily following me to the couch in the living room. "I'm one of Adrian's younger sisters!" She said, sitting down, "that's cool. I'm one of Adrian's hoes." I said, checking my nails. When I said that, it hurt me. I didn't want to be his hoe, slut, whore, or toy; I wanted to be his girlfriend; I wanted to be his wife; I wanted to be his everything, but he didn't feel the same.

"Are you okay?" Mimi asked me, looking sad, but I just slightly smiled and nodded my head. We sat there in silence for a bit, but Adrian broke the silence. "Mimi, what are you doing here?" he questions, resting his eyes. "Fratello!"

Translation: brother!

She jumped up off of the couch and ran into his chest, hugging him, but I just kept my head down with my legs crossed on the sofa. "Mamma and papà were invited to have dinner here tomorrow, and I asked if I could come early," she told him, smiling. "Yelena," he called my name, "what is it, Adrian?" I asked, sighing with my head still down. I could feel his eyes burning into my skin,  I could tell that he was pissed the fuck off, but I could care less. "Come with me," he said softly, but I could tell he was angry.

Ugh, he's so childish. I got up and followed him, leaving Mimi in the living room. We walked up all those damn stairs to the third floor, and I saw a familiar door. It was his bedroom door. He opened the door and waited for me to enter before closing the door behind me.

"What do you want to talk about?" I said with a sigh. I was hoping he would ask me to be his girlfriend; then I remembered I only knew him for two days. "I want to talk to you about my family," he said, keeping his distance, and making sure he didn't touch me. "What about them?" I asked him, "when they get here, don't talk to me at all." he told me, "Adrian, what the hell are you talking about? Why can't I talk to you?" I asked, frustrated and raised an eyebrow.

He stayed silent, but I knew something was wrong. I walked over to him, grabbed his hands, and put them on my hips "you can tell me." I said, looking into his eyes, searching for emotion in them. His grip then tightened on my waist, he closed his eyes when I went in to kiss him on his forehead, but before I got the chance, Romeo kicked the door down and yelled loudly. Adrian let go of me immediately and took a few steps back.

I hope you fall down a flight of stairs, Romeo.

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