final authors note <3

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Hey gang! This fanfic has been super fun to write, trust me it really has, but I seem to have lost all motivation to continue it! I know you probably could've seen this coming with the increasingly long breaks between chapters but today is really the day I'm stepping away from it.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my stupid, shitty, self indulgent fic!! I appreciate all of you and the comments you leave behind (I read them all)!!

Though I no longer want to write this shit, I still don't want to leave you on a cliff hanger with no closure whatsoever

SO I will be using this chapter to jot down a very very long summary of the plot all the way to the end, and I may even throw in some drawings I made at the end.


Anyway, here we go:

So Y/n and Roddy go downstairs and eat dinner, its mildly awkward at best. Susan is a mom and prys a little into their relationship which causes some inner conflict with Y/n because she herself doesn't know for sure what their relationship even is at the moment.

At the end of dinner Frank shows Y/n's dad his civil war photos and if you've seen the movies you know where this is going. On the camera there are tons of photos from the party. Rodrick gets in trouble, everyone is yelling, Y/n and her dad dip. Before she leaves she sees the pic of her kissing Rodrick's cheek.

On the car ride home Y/n and her dad have a heart to heart about how he used to go to parties and junk too and how he wasn't mad just disappointed yadda yadda you get it.

Later that night, after her dad leaves for work, Y/n sneaks over to Rodricks house with the help of Beck

I'm pretty sure I wrote this scene in a Google doc so I'm just gonna copy and paste it here.


Y/n sneaks out if her house to see if Rodricks okay after he gets busted for the party. She texts Beck and asks for a ride. On the ride over she's all 😨. "What if this is a bad idea? What if he's asleep? What if he sleeps in his underwear?!" To which Beck replies with something snarky like "You're only checking on him, him being naked will just be a bonus, " Y/n blushes yada yada yada. "Not helpful Beck! ". Beck gets serious "This isn't a bad idea. You're actually being really nice, I admire that, " Y/n is shocked that Beck has feelings. "Thanks, ". They pull up to the Heffley house. " If I don't text you in an hour just leave me, " and then Beck is like 😏 and then Y/n is like 😳😡 "Not like that!" And Becks like "whatever, go get em tiger, " So Y/n runs around the house and climbs up a tree or something to get to Rodrick's window. She peeks inside and Rodrick's room is a mess. Like furniture is flipped over and posters are ripped off the walls kinda mess. Its obvious that he had let out some teenage angst. She looks some more and sees Rodrick who is laying in bed on top of his covers, looking up at the ceiling. She also sees that he's wearing nothing but a t-shirt and boxers. Rodrick hasn't noticed her creeping outside his window yet so she's contemplating if she should even knock or not.

"What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he's still angry? I can't deal with angry people! Should I even be here? I mean, he's practically naked! I can't just barge into his room! Who do I think I am? But I can't just come here and chicken out! Remember what Beck said, This is a nice thing to do. I'm just being nice, " She means to say that in her head but doesn't realize she mumbled it just loud enough for Rodrick to hear. He glances over at the window to see Y/n lost in thought. She hasn't noticed it yet but Rodrick is giggling to himself as she struggles. Y/n almost knocks again but chickens out.

"UGH STUPID STUPID STUPID! JUST KNOCK ON THE WINDOW ITS NOT THAT HARD OH MY GOD!" She yells in her head. She turns away from the window to collect her thoughts.

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