1. Holy shit-ballz

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As I sit and wait for my dad to walk through the door at 1 in the afternoon. I wonder what he's going to say this time. Dad had been away in the military for about 10 months and he finally comes home today.

And every time after he came home he would tell me we needed to pack our stuff and move or we get to stay for a little longer. As I'm still thinking I see my brother's car pull into the driveway.

I have one older brother and that's it.

I hurry and run outside to go hug dad. When I get out there dad is putting his duffle bag on the ground. I run and jump on him. He laughs and puts me down on the ground. My dad is around 6'1 and I'm 5'2 1/2 I would say i am almost a foot off the ground. I haven't grown since the 8th grade. Dad was worried i was like a midget but the doctor just said i was short.

As soon as he set me down I looked straight at him to hear the news. He looks back at me with a sad smile and said, "I'm sorry honey but we're moving to Maysville, Kentucky." I smile sadly because I knew this day was coming. I walk into dad's arms right as I hear another car pull into the driveway.

I look up and see my brother's best friend pull into the driveway. Easton was the sweetest person I had ever met. Easton has been My older brother Carlos's best friend for the whole 2 and a half years we've been here. I walked over to Easton and buried my head into his neck. I felt so bad that we were just leaving him here.

I felt him tense up from feeling me cry but I didn't care. "I know Lani. It's not your fault. I'll always be one call away." I started to cry harder when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me and Carlos was gesturing to me to follow him inside. We all walk in and start getting our things packed. Because of us having to leave so soon we list our house on the market and look for new houses. And it's my job to do that while they pack our stuff.

Easton just sat on our couch and ate a bag of chips while watching Moana on the TV. Dang, I'm gonna miss his crazy behind. "Holy shit-ballz that hurt!" Carlos said after he dropped a box of dad's stuff on his foot. "Are you okay Car?" I say as I post our house up for sale after taking pictures of all the rooms from inside to out.

"Yea I'm okay, it just hurts like a mother trucker," he said as he limped his way into the kitchen to get himself an ice pack. I look back at my computer and giggle a little. After about 5 minutes the house erupts into chaos.

Easton told the whole school we were leaving so he decided to throw a party. When people started showing up dad decided to leave and let us have fun on one of our last nights in Seattle. After dad, left people started pulling out bottles of alcohol. I was amazed I didn't see them walk in with any.

Once the alcohol was brought out is when the party began. My friends and I were all huddled in a corner and were saying goodbye to each other. I shed a few tears but quickly pulled myself together.

Drinking has always been that one thing I have a love and hate relationship with. I use it as an escape when dad is gone but I hate using it when nothing is wrong. Carlos HATED when I would drink because I'm only 17, he says it's making me lose brain cells but I could care less.

So when I see him looking at me while I look at the drinks I turn away from them and make my way to the couch again. A couple is making out on the other end of it so I sit as far away from them as possible. I watch as East slowly makes his way up the stairs with one of my friends. I slowly smile and end up falling asleep.

I remember hearing Carlos call my name a couple of times while I was out but I just ignored him and kept having the best dream of my life. In the dream, Rose actually lets Jack on the door and he didn't die. I was so proud the Leonardo didn't die, he's too hot for that.

The next thing I know I'm being lifted into the air and walked up the stairs. I peel my head off of the stranger's arm and realize its dad carrying me up the stairs just like he used to do when I would fall asleep on the couch as a kid. I put my head back down on his shoulder and he opens my bedroom door.

He sets me down and kisses my forehead and walks out. After that moment I smiled and fell into a dreamless sleep. I wake up to Carlos screaming and shaking me to wake me up. I sit up and smack his arm for waking me up when it's not even a school day. But I remembered we are leaving today at four in the morning.

I slowly get out of bed and start packing the things I wore yesterday and the things on my bed. After that, I grabbed all my bags and went down to where the rest of dad and Carlos's stuff was. Carlos looked half asleep while dad looked wide awake like he had been up for hours. "Come on guys, let's load the truck and get to drivin' we all have a long way to drive," Dad said, reminding us that WE also had to drive.

Carlos groaned and said, "If we have to drive at least let us stop and get some coffee before. That was the smartest thing. I wasn't gonna be able to make it 8 hours until dad would let us stop to take a break. It was a 34 HOUR drive and no way I was gonna last. Dad has thankfully made a reservation to stay in a hotel in Montana.

"Fine we can stop and get y'all some 'go go juice'" dad said while putting air quotations around go go juice. We all laughed then started carrying our stuff to our cars. These next few days are going to kill me.

Once we got everything settled into the cars we make our way to Starbucks and I order and 'Venti Iced Chai Latte with Pumpkin Cream Foam on Top and 4 Shots of Espresso' because it's the end of September and Carlos just orders a 'Chai Latte with 5 Shots of Espresso'. We're gonna feel great for the next couple of hours.

As we get our drinks we start hitting the road but before we do that I had to queue a bunch of songs on Spotify and the first song that comes on is, "Fake Love- By Drake" I hate when people swear but I don't know what it is but I'm completely fine when they swear in songs. It's kinda weird.

I pull out of the parking lot and start the following dad while Car is behind the both of us. I was pumped to be driving because I love it but just having to do it for 34 hours makes me wanna cry. But I thankfully don't because then people on the road might think I'm crazy.


Word Count: 1275

This is the Second book I've written but the first I have put out. I don't post chapters regularly so don't get your hopes up that I will finish this book.

The next chapter is a filler chapter so fill free to skip it when i do upload the next chapter.

With all love


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