25. Chinese Food

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I've been spending every second with Zade. But we have a plan. We talked to Zade's  mom Sunday night at dinner. We asked if I could move in with them. She said yes and it was this whole thing that we don't need to get into right now. But now it's time to talk to Dad.

I'm sitting next to Zade while Dad and Carlos are sitting in front of us. "Absolutely not." Carlos blurts out as soon as I say it. Dad doesn't say anything. "You've barely known this guy for 7 months and you want to move in with him." Carlos is mad but i don't care and I look at Dad.

He looks at Zade then me. "Leilani, your 18th birthday was a couple of days ago so I'm going to leave this up to you." Carlos' mouth dropped. "Dad what the fuck! This is Lani we're talking about. We can't just leave her here all alone. We'll literally be on the other side of the world."

"I know you barely know me Carlos but we have an extra room right next to my younger sister's room that Leilani could stay in. I can give you guys my mom's phone number so you could make monthly or even weekly check in's" Zade said, pulling his phone out to give him the number.

Carlos continued to scream at Dad while Dad finished eating dinner. "Carlos just shut up please. I love you but I'm sick of this. This is my daughter and I can do what I want. She asked me if she could. Not you." We we're  all silent.

I've never heard dad speak like that to someone, let alone Car. "Sorry dad." The rest of the dinner was quiet. "Lani after dinner we can start packing your room." Dad said, smiling at me. Oh I'm gonna miss him.


"I'm gonna miss you Lani." Tears are falling from my eyes as I hug dad. "I'm gonna miss you too dad. But you can always call me." "Lani, that's supposed to be my line." Dad laughed, pulling back. "Go talk to your brother."

Carlos and I haven't talked since Sunday. He's still mad that dad let me move in with Zade. "Hey Buddy." I said sitting down next to him. "Hi." He said in the most monotone voice. "Carlos I know you're mad that I'm not going to Europe with you but you're not gonna see me for a long time so please just suck it up and tell me you love me."

"Fine." He stood up, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much Lani. I love you and If anything happens call me and I'll book the first flight out." I laugh before tugging away from him. We spend the rest of the time talking about how many girls he's gonna meet.

Driving away from the airport my heart sinks realizing I might not see them again. Thinking of the positive I drive home to finish getting the rest of my stuff and locking up the house.

Pulling into Zade's house I see Miles' new Bronco parked in my spot. I park on the side of the house and make my way into the house. Zade's mom and sister are out of town again so we have the house to ourselves for 2 weeks.

I open the front door, getting met with Princess, Atlas, and Roman. I love these dogs. I hear screaming from the living room so I make my way to it. I see Rocket league or whatever it's called on the tv. Zade and Miles are in the zone. "I hate this fucking game." Zade slams his control down on the couch as they lose.

Zade sees me and walks over to me. Before he could kiss me of course Miles had to say something, "hey, hey, hey! No pda in front of my child of god eyes." Zade flipped him off and dragged me out of the living room into the kitchen.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked while I jumped up on the counter top. He moved and positioned himself in between my legs. "You." I said, as a joke but the look in his eye looked like he loved my answer.

"Haha, just joking I want Chinese food. And we can invite Cay and Derek over!" I said, giving him a sly smile. He smiled back and shook his head. "You're a tease Lani." I kissed his cheek before pushing him away and jumping off the counter.

"What if my dad would have made me go to Europe? What would you have done?" I looked at him and saw him with a serious look on his face. "Gone with you." He said it with a tone like I knew the answer.

I picked up my phone to call Caylie and Derek to ask them over. Zade called my favorite Chinese place, Aisian Place, Chinese Restaurant. Caylie didn't answer so I called Derek. "Lani?" Derek sounded out of breath like he had just been running.

"What are you and Cay doing right now? Me, Zade, and Miles are gonna eat some Chinese food for dinner and watch movies if you two wanna come over." "Sure, whatever, we will be over..." He couldn't finish his sentence before he was smacked and yelled at.

I hear faintly in the background. "Don't be fucking mean Derek." Another smack from Caylie hits him. I laugh before hanging up and saying bye. I go sit next to Miles on the couch and put my legs over his while Atlas climbs on my lap. "So how's it living with your lover?" I laughed at his statement before telling him.

"It's been good. Kinda of the same because Carlos and Dad were always gone anyway and I was with him 24/7 so." I shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention to the tv. Criminal minds was on.

"Who's your favorite character?" I asked Miles since we always watch this together and I've never really asked. "I'm gonna have to say Emily. She is fucking fine. How about Lani?" "Umm probably Hotch or Reid."

"Oh so you're into older guys? Is that why you're dating Zade? Because the homeboy is old. Like break his back bending down old." I couldn't control my laugh while Zade walked in with a confused look on his face.

He picked up my legs and sat in between me and Miles. "Stop bullying me with my girlfriend pls Miles." He gave him a fake smile before going completely stone faced.

While waiting for the food Caylie and Derek walked in. Caylie walked behind me kissing my forehead and smacking Zade's and Miles. I laugh again before resting my head on Zade and watching our show.

After 25 minutes the doorbell rang and I jumped up off the couch and grabbed my wallet. I paid the delivery guy and slammed the door and booked it into the living room.

We all dug in and watched criminal minds. We tried to guess the unsub but no one was ever right on anything. "You Guys would make terrible FBI agents." Miles said while stuffing fried rice in his mouth.

"Oh says fucking you Miles, a pile of bricks is smarter than you." I smacked Zade's arm even before he was done talking. "Ow Lani. That's abuse." I smiled at him before hugging him and laying my head on his lap.

The rest of the night we talked, ate, and watched tv like we normally do. At 2:45 everyone finally left and me and Zade went upstairs to bed.

I was laying on top of him and playing with his wet hair from the shower we just took together. "Do you ever wonder if I never went to McDonald's that night if we would have ever been together?"

"Well Lani we do go to school together so I would have saw you and knew we would end up together." I kissed him before laying my head on his chest. "I'm glad I went that night." He also kissed my wet hair. "Me to Lelani. I love you, goodnight." "Goodnight Zade."


Word count- 1,374

Just a short little chapter before I decide if I want shit to hit the fan :) just kidding. We actually i don't know. But thank you for reading my book. I'm so sorry for never updating I'm going to try and be better. HAPPY HALLOWEEN THOUGH! I hope everyone has or had a safe and fun night! Go get fucked up for me please! Know that you are loved and if you ever need to talk I am always here even though you have no idea who I am

With all love

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