Chapter 10

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Akela pov

After I woke up I managed to dig out of what seemed to be a grave My senses seemed to be muddled.

Once I got a handle on my senses i looked around and it appeared that I was in a forest it was dark but I could smell lots of trees. I shook my fur getting rid of the mud that was stuck in my fur my face also felt sticky.

My ears twitched and I heard something running through the forest heading towards the faint voices behind me.

I started to wok unsure where I was heading

"Loki" I heard a familiar voice shout then i you heard a thump and the scent of blood belonging to the one who was the kindest to me .

I started running as fast as my legs could carry me adrenaline pumping my eyes started to change and I could see clearer than before I swerved in and out of trees.

Ahead of me I saw the man who protected me held to the floor by a large black wolf like me but bigger I sped up and threw my body into The wolf knocking him over.

He went rolling across the ground he stumble up and spun his head in my direction and snarled at me and ran off into the woods I ran after him.

I chased after him until he managed to disappear I stopped and sniffed I could still smell him he was close.

I tried to follow the scent but it was everywhere until I heard what sounded like a twig snap I spun my head around but wasn't quick enough because the wolf pounced on my rear end clawing me I yelped and managed to shake him off.

I snarled and swiped at his face leaving a scratch which made him angry he letp at me and pinned me down onto the ground.

As I was pinned down I hear voices and footstep and a familiar scent coming towards us.

"Black stand down" a familiar voice shouted

The wolf lunged at my neck making me yelp in pain as he dug his canines in I started kicking my legs to get him off but he was too strong.

"black release now" the voice shouted again

I kicked again this time he released me and stumbled back I shakily stood up on all fours just before he ran at me again I dodged and swiped at him catching his side.

We circled each other snarling and baring our teeth he lunged again missing me by an inch I swiped at him again catching his other side.

He lunged again this time I wasn't fast enough and he caught my leg and bit down on it I took my chance and grabbed his throat biting down and keep a hold on it he struggled until he fell limp I dropped him on the ground and looked towards the person the voice belonged too.

I froze

It was the man that caused all my pain and suffering he started to come forwards which made my ears go flat against my head I bared my teeth at him.

Another person handed him something and he started coming towards me I backed up yelping when my paw touched the ground he came towards me.

I couldn't go back to that place again so I backed up and ran despite the pain in my paw I could here them shouting behind me.

I stopped when I heard multiple footsteps and the familiar scents especially from the one who helped me so I started to walk forward but the pain in my paw made me stop I lifted it and started walking on my three good paws the scents got closer until I saw lights shine at me

"What the fuck"

No PoV

The avengers stood there frozen when they saw the wolf they thought was dead standing the in front of them covered in blood and was lifting one of its paws up.

Akela (Avengers x wolf)Where stories live. Discover now