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Seasons are changing,
Nothing is hanging.
I am that season,
Starting everything with a reason.

Summer is a fresh continuation of life,
It goes with the flow, not minding the knife.
With the hot summer wind in time,
Life became a precious moment, cannot be paid by any dime.

But life is not just about summers,
Life also has falls, and that is not a bummer.
Just like how every autumn leaves falls,
We also fall, but it will make us strong and stand tall.

After every fall in seasons, winter takes over.
And that makes everything harder, not better.
But even the hardest problems has solutions,
Then life in winter, is just a little motion.

And winter will not stay the same as winter.
As time changes, it becomes spring.
The moment the sun shows up, everything will be better.
For spring, brings a new beginning.

I have overcome my fall, and winter.
And now I'm back as someone new, waiting for the flow of summer.
I am that flower, blossoming in the time of spring,
For I am stronger, and ready for a new beginning.


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