12. No cookie for the rookie

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Emma took a deep, shaky breath for the third time before entering the building. Why had she accepted? This was the last place ever she should be in after what had happened. How could she face Nancy after Alexander's words?

After leaving that apartment, Emma had gone straight to her old one, to try and beg the landlord to give it back. How could she know that when Alexander had said he'd talked to the man, he'd left out the simple fact that he'd punched him? The black eye was way too fresh for any kind of request to be heard, so she'd found herself homeless.

She'd almost called Alexander back, to accept his offer, but every time she'd reminded herself of the odds. For the time being, she would stay at a motel, hopefully, she'd find a new job soon. But maybe it was time to leave New York behind as well.

Maybe, Nancy's invite was a good thing, in the end, Emma thought. She could take the chance to finally come clean, and then say goodbye. Of course, their friendship wouldn't cope, but it was better than living like that, lying to her only friend.

Yes, Emma decided when she knocked on Nancy's door. When the slumber party was over and every guest was gone, she would stay behind, and tell her friend everything. She didn't expect forgiveness, but at least she would be free of the burden, and she could start a new life free.


"Invited where?" Alexander frowned, turning his head for a moment to look at his sister.

"To a slumber party." Delilah shrugged, passing him another plate to dry once she'd washed it. Every time they had their weekly dinner at their Nana's, she made them wash the dishes even though they'd bought her a machine on purpose years ago. Delilah was well aware that it was just the woman's way of still teaching them life lessons – whichever those were.

"She invited you to a slumber party?" Alexander laughed. "You girls seriously do that shit?"

"Well, the way she put it, it was more about wine, gossip and maybe some ... risqué shopping online," his sister shrugged, "but yeah, slumber party."

"And why didn't you go?"

"Well, because ..." Delilah bit on her bottom lip while soaping another plate, "as a second date, a slumber party is kinda ... you know, awkward and lame."

Her brother laughed louder, taking the plate from her hands. "Right ... the second date rule, huh?"

"The what?" She feigned ignorance.

"Don't pretend with me." Alexander grinned, to which she stuck out her tongue, and both laughed. "Your second date rule," he resumed, "Delilah Adams bangs on the second date. One less than a prude, one more than a hoe. Isn't that what you usually say?"

Delilah scoffed, taking off the yellow gloves. "Ok, first of all, gross!" She grimaced. "My brother talking about my sex life is disgusting and gross."

Alexander laughed. "Hey, you told me, I didn't choose to learn." When she tried to slap the back of his head, he dodged it, splashing her with some soapy water.

"Ugh! Sometimes I wish I had a sister!" Delilah groaned, removing the soap from her t-shirt.

"Why? So you could share girls?" He smirked. "I can do that. Just ... keep those out of my sight," he pointed at her breasts, "and that out of my way, or I'll puke." He finished, pointing at her crotch.

Delilah growled. "Ugh! You're so gross! Stop it!" She whined, slapping her brother's arm. "It's not funny! I really like Millie." She sighed. "I just ... I don't know, it felt too intimate for a second date."

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