Christie Marceau

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Christie Marceau was born 16th April 1993.

Akshay Chand and Christie Marceau had first met each other while attending Willow Park Primary School in the North Shore suburb of Hillcrest where they both lived. After they both left Willow Park at the end of 2003, the 2 remained out of contact with each other until September 2010, when they met again while working at the same North Shore supermarket. In the following year, Akshay and Christie became friends, but the relationship was largely characterised by the naturally kind and generous Christie providing emotional support for Akshay. By the end of August 2011, Christie was no longer working at the supermarket and was unemployed.

On the morning of 6th September 2011, Christie received a phone call from Akshay, demanding that she come over to his house or he would kill himself. Concerned about Akshay's well being and fearing the worst, Christie subsequently went to Akshay's house nearby. Once she arrived, she was greeted by Akshay and invited into the living room, while Akshay locked the door behind her.

Sitting in the living room opposite Christie, Akshay began to talk about personal issues, before becoming agitated. At this point, he pulled a 20cm long kitchen knife from his waistband and demanded Christie's mobile phone. Forcefully taking her phone, he subsequently told her "If you don't obey me, I will knife you. If you scream, I will knife you. If you try to escape, I will knife you." He then demanded that she take her clothes off. After further threats of violence Christie complied and stripped down to her underwear.

Akshay then confessed that he had intended to rape her, but had changed his mind and handed Christie back her clothing and mobile phone, and allowed her to get dressed. As she was about to leave, Akshay threatened that he would kill himself by swallowing crushed tablets, and while still terrified, Christie attempted to dissuade Akshay from attempting suicide. Christie subsequently returned home, and after telling a family member, was taken to a local police station to report the incident.

Akshay was arrested by police later on 6th September. In a statement to police, he admitted detaining Christie against her will, threatening her with a knife with the intention of raping her and threatening to stab her. He was subsequently charged by police on 3 charges: kidnapping, threatening to cause grievous bodily harm, and assault with intent to sexually violate. Akshay first appeared in court the following day, and was remanded in custody. On 9th September, his application for bail was declined. Following the decision to decline bail, Akshay wrote to the court, expressing deep remorse for what he had done and wanted to make amends.

On 5th October, a hearing on Akshay's second application for bail was heard at the North Shore District Court before Judge David McNaughton. The police filed their opposition, fearing tampering with witnesses, and the mention during the police interview on 6th September that the attack was "revenge" against Christie for not helping him. A letter from Christie herself expressed concern for her own safety, noting that the house where Akshay, his mother and aunt lived and was to be bailed to was only 300 meters from her own home, and the fear that he could attack her again going about her daily routine.

Despite the opposition, Judge McNaughton allowed bail on strict condition. Akshay was bailed to his mother's house  with a 24 hour curfew, with him not being allowed to leave the house except for medical or legal appointments, and only accompanied by a designated person.

On the morning of 7th November 2011, Christie was at home with her mother and maternal grandmother. Her father at the time was in Australia with work. The Marceau household was 2 stories and sat on a hill sloping away from the road, with the house's front door on the upper level and the back door on the lower level.

At around 7am, Christie was asleep downstairs and her mother was upstairs when the front doorbell rang. Christie was a frequent online shopper and it was not unusual for couriers to call in the early morning with deliveries. Thinking it was a courier, Christie's mother inadvertently opened the door to Akshay, who was wielding a large kitchen knife. She backed away and screamed in warning to Christie, and when Akshay asked who was home, her mother lied that Christie's father was home in another room.

Christie in reaction to her mother's scream had woken up and run up the stairs, only to be confronted by Akshay. She was subsequently kicked in the chest by Akshay, falling back down the stairs. Getting back up, Christie ran out the back door, across the rear deck to the back gate, and tried to unlatch the gate. Akshay caught up to her, stabbing her in the left side of the face, causing Christie to collapse on the deck. She was stabbed an additional 10 times by Akshay, before the knife blade bent 90 degrees and became useless.

Christie's mother had left her daughter and Akshay to call 111. Her mother subsequently found Christie on the deck, still breathing, but Christie's injuries were too severe and she died in her mother's arms before emergencies services could arrive. Akshay remained at the scene until police arrived. When asked by 1 officer what he was doing at the house, he replied "reprisal", and when further asked why his hands were shaking, he replied, "It's not easy to kill someone, is it?" He then asked officers if it was all right to listen to his iPod. He was subsequently arrested for Christie's murder.

In October 2012, Akshay appeared at the Auckland High Court for the murder of Christie Marceau. The court heard how Akshay's mental state had deteriorated leading up to the crime. At the time of the murder, he believed Christie had turned into the devil. He also believed that he had cervical cancer and that he could hear the voice of a girl named "Pauline" in his head.

During the trial, 2 different psychiatrists stated that Akshay suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and may never recover, needing institutional care for the rest of his life.

At the conclusion of the trial, Akshay was acquitted for Christie's murder for reason of insanity. He was sentenced to a psychiatric institution indefinitely.

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