sixty two

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"you made me a fucking song?" taehyung asked again unable to believe it as happy tears rose in his eyes. the younger who he had spent the last few weeks doubting would ever let him in completely — has spent his last couple of weeks producing a song for him. just him.

his favorite artist — scratch that, his favorite person had written him a song. a song about his love for him. "this isn't real, you're so — oh my god," taehyung jumped at jungkook, wrapping his whole body around the younger. unsure of just how to prove how thankful he is. the song playing lowly in the background, taehyung crying even more as he listened to the heartfelt lyrics.

"i love you." the younger whispered, taehyung pulled away in disbelief, eyes wide open as he looked into the doe eyes of the younger. "you love me?" taehyung whispered back. "more than anything." and that was all it took for taehyung to press his lips against the others'

it was so much more than taehyung had ever imagined — so much more than he ever thought a kiss could be. as his lips landed on the others he felt the excitement running through his veins — the anxiety. he felt their tears molding together, slowly sliding against the both of their lips. the salty taste being yet another reminder that this is in face real — that the two of them are real, and here, together.

taehyung pulled away, a smile on his face as he rested his forehead against jungkook's. "i love you," he whispered.

"be my boyfriend? i had prepared this whole speech thingy, but i don't know, it might be a bit much," jungkook whispered, his voice rough and out of breath.

"i'd love be to your boyfriend, and i'd love to hear your speech even more." taehyung said softly, a big smile on his face as a small laugh escaped his lips. the younger blushed.

"wait — this is kinda embarrassing, oh god. oh well, here it goes i guess," the younger whispered, face red as he looked at everything other than taehyung. "i know that i'm very hard to deal with — that i have a lot of flaws, and that i tend to run away whenever i want to stay. to be fair, i think you deserve more than me, so much more — but i'd like to be selfish today, and just keep you for myself. i don't know to explain if, but you complete something in me. i was so miserable before i met you, and honestly, every night i went to bed hoping to not wake up in the morning, but that changed when it met you — because all of a sudden i was looking forward to something, to talking to you — to seeing you. getting to know you as just jk, and not as jungkook, or jeongguk for that matter, was a lot for me, because no one had ever liked the stripped version of me, everything people see when they look at me is always the musical genius, the born idol — the perfect version of me, the guy from decalcomania. but that isn't me, that's not who i feel like i am, and with you — i don't feel like i have to be that guy, i feel like i can just be myself, in a way i haven't been to do for so fucking long. you're everything to me, and it scares me so much, that's why i pushed you away every single time you got too close. it's why i'll probably end up pushing you away in the future, because that's what i do, i run when it gets too real. but please bear with me, and if i run — force me back. because there's no way i'd ever wish to be away from you." jungkook rambled on, the older listening intently and frowning as the words left jungkooks mouth.

"shh, you're enough bubba, you're so much more than enough, don't talk down to yourself like that, you're worthy of so much more than you think." he whispered, arms going around the younger, almost squeezing the life out of him.

"oh god this is sappy," jungkook said, as he wiped the tears from his eyes. taehyung smiled, kissing jungkook once again. they had kissed twice and he was already addicted to the taste and the feels of the younger.

"i wish we could stay like this forever," jungkook whispered against taehyung's lips, he smiled. "who says we can't? just stay with me forever, and every day will be like this gguk."

gguk. it was at that moment jungkook realized he didn't hate his name anymore. — that it didn't bring him pain anymore.

the two boys stayed together for the rest of the day — and night, tangled into each other, shirts exchanged just so they could be that closer to one another. jungkook's head on the others chest as he listened to taehyung's heartbeat. which had quickly become his new favorite sound.


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liked by jkforever and 3.7 million others

vtae: you are the cause of my euphoria.

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njoonie: i will literally fucking cry do not do this to me
kjinnie: can confirm that he is in fact crying
njoonie: you're crying too shut up
kjinnie: never said i wasn't chief

sugabts: i love u guys so much, you better treat each other right
vtae: soft min yoongi in chat?
sugabts: go away i'm never being nice to you again

jiminie: my babies 🥺 so happy for u
jkforever: i love u
vtae: thank u for being my best friend through it all <3

yourhope: best news so far this year, so proud of u both <3
jkforever: thank u hobi! i'm coming over tomorrow, u better be ready :))
yourhope: always ready for u, i have a new dance to teach u!
jkforever: i'm excited 🤩

yourhope: best news so far this year, so proud of u both <3 ⤷ jkforever: thank u hobi! i'm coming over tomorrow, u better be ready :)) ⤷ yourhope: always ready for u, i have a new dance to teach u! ⤷ jkforever: i'm excited 🤩

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liked by vtae and 3.9 million others

jungkook97: when i'm with you, i'm in utopia

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authors note !
i have no motivation to do anything i'm sorry, but i'll try to write more once school calms down

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