Chapter 4 - No. 438

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A/N: I don't think the title for my fanfiction will be suitable anymore, since I have different kinds of ideas I want to put in this story.

But I won't change the title, because I'm lazy.


The ball of fluff beamed happily and circled around them, "Humans! I've gained another function for this room and picking a number to know your future is not the only choice anymore! "

Cale leaned against the wall and had this urge to sit down, but didn't in the end. 

We've been standing here for more than a few hours, yet no one is bothered by it? 

Cale looked at the people around him. 

Ugh. I'm just a normal human being. Why can't that thing just give us some seats?

It didn't feel right if he was the only one who sat down on the floor while the others were standing up. 

It would attract too much attention and he didn't like getting more than he has currently. 

Rosalyn asked, "What's this function you're talking about? "

They were curious.

The ball of fluff went closer to Rosalyn, who stepped back a few steps away from it. 

"I'm sure all of you will be glad to know what it is. "

Cale's lips twitched when the ball of fluff tried to act mysterious, while Ron gave it his signature smile, "Little guy, can you quickly tell us what this function is? "

The ball of fluff circled around the air and floated a bit lower, "You guys can experience it with your own eyes on what will happen in the future, but it will only last for a maximum of 20 minutes! And because its only for a brief moment, you'll be given a dice. Each sides has different numbers of spots, meaning that if you got 3 spots, you get 3 scenes of the past or future and the like. "

"So what will you choose? "

If Cale had to compare between the two choices, the reading function had more information which is very beneficial, while the sight function can let them know what their enemies' appearance are and possibly even let them know where their base is located and what it looked like.

Both had their advantages and disadvantages.

And if you ask for Cale's personal opinion, he'd choose the second option due to selfish reasons.


Well, the reading function is obviously shown in Cale's point of view most of the time and he's afraid that they'll read something they shouldn't.

The others almost had the same thought as him regarding its advantages and disadvantages.

In the end, they chose the 2nd option.

They've read the future 3 times now and felt a need for a change.

The ball of fluff could see that they've made their final choice.

"So, who'll be your representative in rolling the dice? "

They looked at Cale.

Cale flinched, but kept an indifferent face.

Alberu smiled brightly at him, "Cale Henituse, I think it would be better for you to step up and dice the roll. I've read so much to know that you're the hope of our Roan Kingdom. "

Cale smiled back, "Your highness, you overestimate me. You're the current sun of the Roan Kingdom, the one who will shine over the night to watch over and protect the citizens at night. I'm not that great compared to you, so please. I really don't think of myself as someone worthy to become the representative. "

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