An Angel can't fly without it's wings

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" Huh, I guess I'll just get a match."  Haruka walks over to her desk where a rosey berry scented  candle and a match next to it.  She picks up the matches and walks over to her almost empty closet filled with dull clothes and sets of the match. The closet catches on fire as Haruka steps back waiting for it to burn all the clothes in it.
After 4 minutes of the closet burning Haruka finally screams.  " Help! Please help, there's a fire! Please someone!"  After a couple of seconds maids,butlers and a couple of Harukas siblings came running in with water,blankets, etc.. They quickly escorted Haruka, who had a traumatized look on her face, out of her room. When the fire was put out Harukas father came to talk to her. " So, I heard your closet and your clothes all got burnt to ashes, do you know how the fire was caused?"  Haruka, who was covered in a blanket with a pitiful face, shakes her head pitfully. " For now since you have nothing to wear you will have to wear one of your siblings' clothes, and since you'll have bad memories of the room you'll move rooms. Ugh, how burdensome. Hey, damn this, what's your name?"  The butler bows down nervously, trembling at the sight of  The emperor. " M-M-My name is Boreas Your maj-jesty-y!"  He glares at him and sighs, and looks back at Haruka. She flinches when she makes eye contact with him. " Go tell Princess Elpis to bring some dresses and nightwear to my office and tell her she will not be getting these back."  The butler stands from bowing and scurrys to Princess Elpis's room.  " Thank you father, I'm so very grateful for your consideration."

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