(019) Missile

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Marcus ran and jumped off of Stark Tower and swung his way towards where Nick had said the missile was coming from

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Marcus ran and jumped off of Stark Tower and swung his way towards where Nick had said the missile was coming from.

Down on the ground, Steve, Thor and Clint were confused as to why Natasha hadn't closed the portal.

"Romanoff, what are you waiting for? Close the portal!" Steve shouted down the comm.

Before Natasha could answer, Marcus did it for her, "Big fucking missile heading this way Capsicle."

That caused a large amount of worry to increase within the trio on the ground as Clint put his hand to his comm, "Rapp that's a one way journey." he said worried.

"I could do with a holiday!"

Deadpool was on top of a bridge waiting for the the missile to come closer towards them.

Tony's worried voice came through the comm, "I don't  want you to do this Marcus!"

"Sorry pops" he said mockingly, "The chance to murder an entire space army. This is like my fucking dream. I'd be insane not to do it." Marcus said looking at his new friends.

As soon as it got near enough to the bridge he jumped and landed on the top of the missile with him connecting a tendril to each end of weapon.

"COWABUNGA!!!" Marcus yelled as he was surfing on top of the missile.

"You're crazy! you know that?" Natasha said prepping herself to close the portal.

"And you're ridiculously hot but of course you already know that." The mercenary replied.

The missile edged closer to Manhattan and just as it was about to hit Stark Tower, Marcus used all of his strength to raise the missile up and as he did the weapon clinked against the side of the Tower.

"MAXIMUM EFFORT!!!" The mercenary strained as the missile shot upwards vertically in the direction of the portal within a few seconds, Marcus and the missile were in space.


Back on the Helicarrier, they were watching as Deadpool took the missile inside the portal and the aircraft erupted with noise however strangely enough whilst most S.H.I.E.L.D agents were ecstatic, there were some very obvious scowls on the faces of others.

Hill breathed a long sigh of relief as she stared at the computer screen whilst her superior Director Fury looked on intently, internally hoping that his friend would be okay.


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