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"Who the hell is Gordon?" I call to Bonnie as we race up the stairs. 

"Billy Gordon is one of the most ruthless captains in the Caribbean. Some of those stories about pirates you heard as a child? He's in all of them."

My heart plummeted into my stomach. 

"Is he going to attack us?"

She sighed as we set foot on the main deck. 

"We've always been a smaller band, he and Maverick have a spotty history and he generally considers this pass to be his territory. So I'm gonna say an attack is likely."

I gulped. 

We assembled with the rest of the crew. Everyone looked determined, if not slightly fearful. 

Maverick met my gaze for a brief moment as we watched the other ship loom out of the darkness. 

"Can we outrun them?"


"So what's the plan?"

He looked at me, squaring his shoulders.

"We do what we always do. We fight, and we win."

I stared back at him, wishing I could have his confidence. I'd never been in a real fight before, let alone one with a notoriously ruthless captain. 

The larger boat pulled up next to us and a formidable looking man with a nasty scar across one eye glowered at us from the deck. 

"Lovely evening, isn't it Sparrow?"

Maverick assumed a posture of practiced boredom.

"Would be, I've got quite an eyesore blocking my view though."

To my surprise, the man who I assumed was Gordon, let out a mirthless, barking laugh. The laugh died almost immediately as he glared at us. 

"Clever, as always." He motioned to his crew of ruffians, who all gathered either ropes or planks. 

"Prepare to be boarded. Everyone be ready," Maverick muttered.

I put a shaking hand on the hilt of my sword and backed up as the sizable crew of at least 12 swung over and landed on our deck.

Gordon sauntered over to where Maverick was standing, the rest of us in a tense impasse with Gordon's men.

"This is my territory, Sparrow. What are you doing here?"

"Just passing through. Not looking for trouble."

Gordon sneered. 

"The day Maverick Sparrow isn't looking for trouble is the day I eat my boots."

"Captain," Maverick corrected. 

"My mistake. Captain Maverick Sparrow. Best tell the truth before things get ugly."

"Uglier than you? I don't think that's possible."

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from either crying or telling Maverick to shut the hell up before he got us killed. Instead, I stayed quiet and tried to trust his judgment.

Gordon got in Maverick's face. 

"Careful what you say, boy, or your next words may be your last."

Maverick looked impressively composed. 

"What can I help you with then, Gordon?"

"I know you've got intel on the frenchman's treasure. I want in."

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