𝟏𝟐. 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥

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❝Choosing to give love a chance is the braves thing you can do❞

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❝Choosing to give love a chance is the braves thing you can do❞


Anna could feel him being closer with every step she took towards Caius' art room. Her nerves were going haywire, but she paid them no mind, she needed to do this. It was time. through her entire life, both before and after her death, she had been ruled by fear. In reality fear was the very reason why she had such a hard time letting go of her depression. 

Depression had been her safe place for as long as she could remember, and she had seen no alternative, but she did now. All she had to do was was take a turn right down another corridor, and then walk to the end, and there he would be: Her alternative. 

She didn't doubt for a second that if she had still been human her entire body would be shaking, but she wasn't human. and after talking to Aro she realized that maybe she didn't want to be anymore. All the emotions being back in Forks had brought up belonged to the Anna that was human, the Anna that was stuck. And for the first time she saw her death as a gift, it was a passage to becoming the Anna she was in these moments, the Anna who had found the courage to leave the comfort of her room, and let herself go to the person who could help her heal herself simply by looking in her eyes.

And now here she was, standing in front of the door to Caius' art room. There was no doubt he knew she was there, she could feel his presence in her stomach, and he most likely could feel her presence too. Gathering up her last bit of determination she turned the handle and entered Caius' room.

The room was huge, and there were paintings everywhere, and even the small spaces where the paintings didn't cover the wall were filled with old, dried-up paint. To Anna it felt kind of like stepping into the chaos of Caius' brain. The blonde king turned to look at her as she stepped in to the room, he looked as if he was about to say something, but Anna beat him to it, afraid of loosing her courage if she let him start.

"I'm not afraid anymore," she stated, Caius looked at her for a second, before smiling at her softly. He knew what she meant, she didn't need to say anymore, but he knew she wanted to, he knew she had a lot to get off her chest, so he just waited in order to let her find the right words.

"When we went to Forks something changed. In me. I felt like the world was on my shoulders. I looked at my mom and my sister, and everything that I had done both before and after my change just came rushing over me. The pain I caused my family when I lived, the pain I caused my family when I died. The people I killed to escape my own head.

I was faced with who I was, and who I've become, and how far I am from being what I dreamed I could become, how far I am from being perfect like I needed to be. I was overwhelmed, and that made me feel weak. I thought that you would look at me and see the weakness and hate me for it."

"Anna-" Caius tried to inject, he wanted to tell her she was anything but weak, but Anna simply pleaded for him to let her finish and so he let her speak. 

"But then Aro came to see me. We talked about something as silly as the universe and its inner workings, and he made me realize something. I died in my head everyday for 18 years, and then I died in reality. Now there's blood on my hands, but on my rampage, it wasn't just about pain, it was about power. I survived actual death, I don't need to shut off my humanity to be powerful, because I already am. 

I am strong, I am powerful, and I'm done being afraid. I love you Caius. I have loved you since I first saw you. and even when I hate you I still love you, no one can make me furious like you can, because no one can make me care like you can. No one can make my dead heart beat like you can. No can make me laugh like you can, cry like you can. No one can make me feel as empowered as you can.I am not afraid anymore. I love you!"

As Anna finished her speech, both her and Caius had venom pooling in their eyes. This was it. This was what a year worth of pain and anger had led up to. From the first time Caius had told Anna he loved her and up until this moment the two had been to hell and back, they had been scared, they had been challenged in a way neither of them had ever been before, but as Caius looked in to Anna venom filled eyes, he knew it was worth it. He knew he would do it all again for the feeling of love he held in his chest.

Instead of saying anything, Caius rushed over to Anna, and with his hands on her cheeks he smashed his lips onto hers. They melted into each other in way they had both longed for for so long. There was a warmth between them as their lips moved together, it made both of them weak to their knees. 

Slowly Caius pulled away so that he could say the words he had already told her through their kiss. "I love you Anna!" and then it was her turn to kiss him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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