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"Have you thought about any names yet?" You ask, diverting the topic as you see her smile fading. 

"Names… I will name my baby girl Haneul, meaning heaven. And if it's a baby boy then Minjun, meaning sharp and clever. Do you like them?" She asks, her gaze reaching you as you nod with a genuine smile. The names were chosen by Jungkook when they used to date. And she always wished to name her kids with the same name. 

'Must be chosen by Jungkook,' you thought seeing her blush. 

"They are beautiful. Just like the little one growing inside you," you chuckled and she rubbed her baby bump gently. 

You both talked about other things and soon headed to bed as it was late already and you had to visit your office in the morning. 


"What's my cupcake doing, huh?" You heard Jimin's wholehearted laugh making you smile at the nickname. 

"Nothing. I was making dinner. How about you… if you are free you can drop by here and have dinner here?" You offer as he thinks. He knows about Sarang's arrival and to say he was upset with Jungkook's decision won't be a lie. He never really got along with Sarang. They were like the same sides of the pole, repelling each other. 

"Sorry, sunshine. Not today… I'll visit…" you cut him off.

"It's okay, I understand. You are welcome here anytime," your response brings a laugh on his edges as you lock the rice cooker. 

"Y/n!!" You heard a loud yell, making you flinch as you turned around.

"Y/n!!! Please, y/n!!!" It was Sarang's voice. Turning off the gas you jogged up the stairs to reach her. 

"Sarang!" You gasped, seeing her clutching on her bump while long threads of sweat ran along her body. She was shivering while her lips trembled, her once sparkling skin was pale now and her edges were turning a little bluish from pink ones. 

"Help… please," she trembled, sitting on the bed while her hands gripped her belly, protecting her baby. 

You reached her. You slid your arm around her waist and tried to pick her up.

"Come one, Sarang… you need to do this. You need to walk to save your baby, come one," you mumbled with a racing heart while all you wished for her and her baby's safety. 

"I can't. I can't walk," she cried. A strong painful thump strikes her body as she gasps again. You call the ambulance and somehow bring her downstairs. 

You didn't even realise you were crying along with her. Your heart was beating loudly in your ribs while panic took over your form. You won't be able to forgive yourself if something happens to her in your presence. 

Will Jungkook trust you? Will she ever forgive you? Will that little baby survive? You knew nothing. 

Not late enough, the ambulance arrived and by picking her up, they shifted her to the stretcher. The emergency department checked her while the driver drove the ambulance at a high speed. You were near to hear, rubbing her palms while asking her to stay awake. 

You were beyond afraid. 

As you all reach the hospital they take her inside to check her. Meanwhile, you wait outside. Your body trembles badly, your throat is dry and aching. You paced outside the room waiting for the doctor to come and assure you about their safety. You whimpered silently, wiping your face occasionally.  No matter what your relation with Sarang is, you will never wish for a mother to lose her child or vice-versa. You know the pain. 

Forced Marriage {JJK × y/n}Where stories live. Discover now