Chapter 27 - Madison

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"Hi! Welcome!" The cashier greets us the moment the door closes behind Maxon.

We both greet her and stand in the short line. I do a complete sweep of the place and am quite surprised by how opposite it is from the place Jake took me. There are tables properly placed throughout the main dining area with a few televisions displaying sports games. But what grabs my attention is the outdoor dining area. There are small outdoor lights hanging and even though it's afternoon, it gives off a warm atmosphere. I love it.

"We'll sit out there." I whip around and find Maxon staring down at me with a tender smile. I wasn't aware he was looking at me but I don't know why I'm surprised. Maxon's always been so attuned where I'm concerned. "Let's just order our food first, yeah?"

I nod and scan over the menu which is sitting high behind the cashier's head. Crap. I squint my eyes. I can't see a thing. I pull out my glasses from my bag and put them on. Much better.

"You wear glasses?" I'm not sure what reaction I expected from Maxon but I don't hear any judgment in his tone, just genuine curiosity.

"Yeah, I can't see long-distance. I need them for that and when I drive."

He grins. "You look cute in them. You should wear them more often."

I blush and he drops a kiss atop my head.

"Next!" The cashier calls.

We head up and she smiles, her gaze lingers on Maxon and I can tell she might have developed a little crush on him. I can't blame her. "Hi! What can I get for you two today?"

My brows raise. I'm surprised she remembered I was here. Girls tend to forget whenever he's around. I glance up at Maxon who's already looking down at me. Ah, no wonder. He's sending her a message loud and clear.

"Um, can I get the party platter deluxe and a Mahi Mahi bowl please?"

She nods then turns back to look at Maxon who ignores her googly eyes. "And you?"

"I'd like a platter of California Rolls."

"Alright. Any drinks?"

Maxon glances down at me again.

"Water for me. No ice."

"I'll have the same." Maxon agrees.

The cashier types into her POS register. "Is it for here or to go?"

"Here." Maxon answers.

"Okay then. Your total is $42.98."

My eyes widen as big as saucers.

Oh my—I shouldn't have ordered something so expensive. I'm reaching for my wallet when Maxon hands her a fifty-dollar bill.

"I'm paying." He tells me and his voice screams no argument. "Keep the change." He tells the cashier and she nods, handing us our number.

Maxon rests a hand on the small of my back, guiding us out to the patio dining area. We sit at a table for two but I avoid looking at him. I'm so embarrassed he had to pay that much for my order.

"What's wrong?" I feel Maxon studying my face.

I bite my lip, wringing my hands together. I scan the semi-full restaurant, still avoiding his gaze. "Nothing."

"Tell me." I feel his fingers cup my chin and turn me to face him. My gaze lowers to my hands. "Is it because I paid?" He asks gently.

"No. It's because of how much you paid." My eyes close then, feeling shame.

"Baby." He says softly, causing my eyes to open. "Don't worry about that. You can ask for anything you want and I'll buy it for you." I can hear the sincerity behind his statement.

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