Chapter 23

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A/N _ It's time they mark, don't they? *grins cheekily*

Chapter 23

He grinned cheekily at me when I screamed his name. But he dropped the grin, and let it turn into a genuine smile. For a moment, his actions made me consider if he was actually bipolar.

His thumb trailed across my cheek, taking in the sight of my face. "You are so beautiful, babe. Whether you are asleep, angry or full of laughter, you are still so beautiful. Because of your intoxicating smiles and laughter, you have slowly crept your way into my heart, occupying the position that only belongs to you. I love you, babe."

I stared into his warm orbs, slowly digesting his words. "As much as it sounds touching, are you going to keep confessing to me all over again?"

He chuckled huskily, "Doesn't matter how long it takes, I will still continue my confessions until you get sick of hearing them."

"Are you deliberately trying to make my life harder for me, or is this a speech of you wanting to spend the rest of your life with me?" I questioned, knowing the obvious. But, I still want to hear the answer from him.

He smiled, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, babe. I'm going to make sure that you don't leave me."

"If you put a cuff on my wrists, perhaps I will consider." I teased with mischief, anticipating how he's going to do that in the future. The only way I could think of now was having babies, but I'm not going to let him have his way that easily.

If he wants it, he has to make an effort to get it. Gosh, you're still playing hard to get at this crucial moment? Piper groaned in annoyance, giving me her own eye roll.

He pondered for a moment, before a sly smile crept to his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and flipped us over such that I was under him.

"Nathan.." I groaned aloud, taken aback by his sudden move. He smirked, pecking my lips. "If I mark you, will that put a cuff on your wrists?"

My heart skipped a beat at his words. Marking me? At this moment, Piper was yipping in glee. If he marks me, I will have his scent on me. Once I mark him back, our scent will be in sync and other unmated wolves will stay away from us.

But it also meant that he was making me his openly. After the mark, I will have to go through the heat unless we mate before it comes. I groaned aloud in disbelief.

He chuckled, pinning my wrists above my head, watching me with a warm smile. "I won't mark you, unless you give me the green sign. I promise you this, babe."

Even though all the thoughts in my head were currently bothering me, but I knew deep down in my heart, this was what i truly wanted. I want him to be the only man to mark me and make me his. Likewise, I want to see my mark on him as well, giving a warning to other foolish brats out there to stay away from my man.

I closed my eyes, silently giving him the green sign.

He took it as his cue to continue, and claimed my lips. He gently sucked my upper lips, his warm breath blowing against my face. I sucked on his bottom lips, engrossing myself in this heated kiss.

He pulled away briefly, his warm orbs turned pitch black which meant that his wolf, Noah had taken over.

Greetings, my beautiful mate.

I could feel Piper trying to take over, but I pushed her back since we had to complete this marking process. Who knows once I let this free-spritied wolf free, she will take over and end up mating with her mate.

Not going to let that happen. You are so evil, Eve. She huffed.

I was about to respond to her when I felt his wolf kissing his way down my neck, searching for my soft spot. When he noticed me moaning, he seemed to have decided to mark that spot. He continued leaving kisses on that spot, while I felt his canines enlarged as he sunk them into my skin.

I whimpered slightly at the pain, feeling his hand gently graze across my hair to calm me down. Slowly, the pain turned into pleasure. He licked off the blood and kissed on the spot once more.

Replaced with my blood was now a mark that he had left on my body.

Now, was my turn. Once I left my mark, it meant that we belonged to each other officially. This time, I allowed Piper to take over with a condition that she only leaves a mark and nothing else. She agreed with a sigh before taking over.

I felt myself being transported to another dimension, watching myself from another perspective. I watched as she turned him over, lying down on his body instead.

With that, she began teasing her own mate. I can't help but to laugh at the sight. Even though she had promised me to put off the mating ritual, but she still has something up in her sleeves.

I shook my head at her character, wondering how on earth was I paired with her as lifetime buddies.

My eyes widened at her next move, she had unbuttoned one of his buttons and kissed her way down to his chest. Piper. I warned, hoping that she knows what she's doing.

I know where my limits are. Just let me have some fun, will you?

I rolled my eyes in response, not bothering to give a reply. I was speechless at how naughty she can go. I bet when the mating ritual comes, she will definitely let it all out.

Nathan just have to know that it won't my fault that I can't control my naughty wolf.

Finally, she found the spot and left kisses on it. Her canines enlarged, sinking into the spot, blood oozing out from the skin. I could hear a wince coming from Nathan, his face in frowns again.

I sighed. I wish I could do something about his god damn frowns. It has been there since forever.

Piper licked up the blood and kissed on the spot, looking down at her mate lovingly. They kissed, the sparks ignited even stronger. We were now done with the marking process, very soon I will go into heat unless I agree to allow Nathan to mate me.

Before Piper let me take over, she spoke aloud. I will see you again, handsome. I rolled my eyes and groaned, feeling myself taking over gradually.

I stared at Nathan under me, blushing furiously as I noticed the mark on his neck. My thumb traced across my mark on him, noticing that it was a shape of a Celtic crescent moon.

Before I could say a word, I felt a little sleepy and dizzy. I felt a kiss on my forehead as he tightened his arms around my waist with a smile. "Good nights, babe."

And with that, I felt myself dozing off with a smile on my lips.

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