Chapter Ten

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3rd POV-

"Well, so glad you woke back up, Sleeping Beauty." Klaus said from his spot in the parlor. He sat in an armchair comfortably with his leg crossed and a book in hand. Aurora sat up from where he had replaced her on the couch. She snapped her blue eyes to him in confusion. It was so quiet.

"What happened?" She questioned. Blinking fast, trying to figure out what had changed. The voices were gone. No more screaming or demands. "The voices.."

"Ah, yes it seems my brother Kol and the Bennett witch work really well together. Who would have thought." Klaus said as he closed the book in his hands. Aurora rolled her eyes as she saw it was the original Sleeping Beauty fairytale book. Klaus smirked at her, looking down at the book. "You look nothing like how the humans wrote you. Blonde hair, beauty as far as the eye can see. Sweet and loving. Amazing with nature." He snorted. "You though, no, I believe you would hold more similarities to Snow White. Raven hair, pale complexion."

"Brother, wasn't she the fairest of them all? Don't let Elijah hear you confessing your attraction to his lover." Kol laughed mockingly from outside the barrier. Aurora looked over to him as Klaus stands to snap at him.

"Kol?" Aurora spoke quietly. She approached the barrier slowly. Kol turned to look at her and smiled.

"Rory." He stated with the smile widening. A memory flashing past her vision.

Aurora was currently sitting in a clearing near her little home. Her father had her betrothed to an abusive man and this was the only safe spot she knew of. She hadn't told Elijah of the things the man did to her. The bruises she hid under her long sleeve dress. A twig snapping brought her attention to someone entering her safe space.

"You know, if someone hurts you, you should fight back." The man said as he stared at the girl in the clearing. Concern engraved into his expression. He could see the hurt in the girl for what she was, someone who was misused and needed protecting. But she would never ask for someone to protect her. She was doing this to help her family. That was that. "You know if my brother knew of this, he would end that mans life."

"If your brother knew... He can't. I can't risk him getting involved." She explained. It sounded selfish, but in reality, she was a true vision. Such courage and loyalty.

"Does your sister know?" He asked as he walked over to her and sat in front of her. She shook her head.

"You know she's too involved with NiKlaus to notice anything out of the norm." She laughed dryly at the thought of Tati even noticing her sisters pain. "Kol-" She whispered. Kol shook his head and grabbed her hands.

"It's okay, Rory. I'm here for you. I won't promise I won't interfere though. Rodrick will get what's coming to him. It's just a matter of when." He said with a smile. Kol turned Aurora's hands over, palm facing up as he held the bottom of her hands in place. Focusing on his power. Before her eyes, small fireworks shot from their hands, colors spreading into the small space above their hands. Aurora smiled and looked up at him.

"You're the best friend a girl could ever have, Kol." She told him as she looked back down at the fireworks in their hands. Kol smiled at her sadly. His eyes staring at the pale girl before him. Her eyes reflecting the colors of the fireworks before her.

Later on, Rodrick would be found dead in that very same clearing. His arms ripped from his body and his head sitting between his legs in an inappropriate fashion.

"I've missed you, Rory." Kol said with the same smile he had when he made fireworks appear in their hands all those years ago. "How are you feeling?" Aurora sighed sadly.

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