Chapter 19

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(Extra Chapter cuz I love u guys)

*Readers pov*

I hit the ball against the wall.

You: Fucking prison...

I catch it and throw it again.

Hopper: You know, kid, keeping that promise meant the world to me.

You: I know Hops'. We want the same thing for Eleven.

Hopper: But life is more than Eleven, One...I want to see you happy.

You: I am. Always.

I do a fake smile.

Hopper: Don't smile. Makes your face look ugly.

We chuckle.

You: What are you trying to say though?

Hopper: I want to see you happy. You are so emotionless all the time.

You: "Noone can be happy forever", Remember when you said that?

I catch the ball and throw it at the wall again.

I continue to play the guitar around the campfire.

El watches in entertainment and amazement as the others sway in the music.

My pain begins washing away in the beat.

This is a moment to memorise for life.

No words needed to be shared.

Just peace.

You: Fuck!!!

I scream in pain as I catch the ball and bounce it again.

You: I...wasn't careful.

I'm on the floor as El is cleaning the scratch on my knee from falling off the bike.

El: Dummy! You could have hurt yourself more!

You: My bad...I was distracted.

El: By what?

I try getting out this hot water.

You:...Your smile?

I raise an eyebrow.

El: No, you weren't.

She puts a bandaid on my knee.

You: You saved my life. How do I thank you?

El: It was just a scratch, silly. I didn't save your life.

We both lay on the grass. She puts her head on my shoulder as we enjoy the monent.

I catch it and bounce the ball super hard against the wall as I scream in pain.

I lay on the couch with El as we cuddle. Of course not romantically.

El: Why are you so sad always?

Our faces touching.

You: Oh, I'm fine.

El: Firends don't lie.

You: Yeah...They don't...

El: So?

You: I'm alright.

She hugs me close.

El: You promise you won't leave me. Ever.

You: I promise.

She pulls out her pinky. I chuckle and pull out mine too. We connect them.

El: Promise?

You: Promise.

El: That?

You: I promise I will not leave you, my sweet Eleven.

El: You're the best.

Wraps herself around me and digs her head in my torso.

At the same time someones busts in the house.

Hopper: El, I home- Woah.

She looks up.

El: Hey, dad.

Hopper: Hey, sweetheart...

You: Yo, Hop'.

Hopper: This is the best moment of my life. I love to see it.

He gets emotional.

You: Fuck!!!

I catch it again as sweat pours down my face. I throw it back at inhumane speed.

We are all inside a huge tent.

I tell them spooky stories as everyone is scared shitless. All of them filled with fear.

You: And then...

I speak in a shallow voice.

You: BOO!!!

They all jump and shout as Dustin squeals at the top of his voice. He's taking it the worse, him and El.

I hold the flashlight to my face.

You: The lady pops up with her mouth open inhumanly far as she shrieks in terror as she saw The Handler Killer chasing her with his sickle.

El hangs onto me, super scared.

You: The Handler proceeds to slash her throat, she holds it in shock with the blood gushing out as The Handler says his line...

I use my very deep voice.

You: "Sleep..."

They all look they would pass out.

I fall down on the floor in exhaustion.

You:...underground again. Just like the old days...

You: If you keep on hanging with the pussy, you will turn into one.

Max: Not true.

El: I don't want to be a pussy.

You: Mike is a huge pussy.

Max: Come on, One.

El: I like you better anyways, One.

We all sit on the couch.

You: I like you the most, El.

Max: Honestly, you both are so dumb.

I begin passing out as the stone walls bring me flashbacks of my scum dad. The basement.

I fade.

O N E // Stranger Things x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now