Dead Chapter

710 8 4


(Shark AU)
(Act 1)

Y/n was a marine biologist. They loved what they did, and damn, were they good at it. Currently, they were on the coast of Australia on a new job and pet project, in a tiny little town with only about a thousand people in it. Like I said. Tiny. What was this pet project? To find a new fucking species. They had scuba gear, a team, and about 20 million dollars of equipment, they were ready.

The team is actually just made up of
Y/n's 3 friends. They're Marine Biologists too, their names are Don, Lucy, and TK. Don was an upperclassman at the college Y/n, Lucy, and TK went to. Lucy was a partygoer that got Y/n out of their shell, and TK managed the group to make sure nobody kills anyone.

"Is anyone packed for Australia?"
"No. TK, Don?"
"I'm packed." TK said.
"Same. Anyways, Y/n, you never actually said what we're doing." Don added.
"Oh yeah. Well, we're gonna go into a cave."
"And check it out."
"And possibly discover a new species."
"An- wAIT WHAT?" Lucy said.
"Yep. There's been reports of weird sounds echoing from it that don't match any sound we've ever found."
"No way."
"So. Y'all coming?"
"Hell yes!" The team yelled.

The next day the team went about 34 miles off the Great Barrier Reef, where the cave was located. Y/n slipped on the scuba suit and dived down. (None of the rest of the team dived, Lucy was claustrophobic, TK had a medical condition, and Don didn't know how to swim.)

Right before Y/n dived in, the camera fell off. The team had no means to reach them until they came back for oxygen, and who knows how long it'll take. Lucy was voted to tell Y/n their equipment fell off, Y/n hated when it happens.

Meanwhile with Y/n, they swam in and there were gems lining the wall. Probably about a fortune each, they were giant. Like, watermelon size.
They swam further. There was a voice.
'Well damn. I needed to take my meds today.' They thought. They turned around anyway, to look at the voice.

"I'm guessing you're not from around here." It said. "It" had a tail and fins.
Y/n tried to say, "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE A MERMAID" but it came out as "BLUBLUBLUBLBLBAH!"
Y/n groaned. They held up one finger and motioned to leave and come back.
They shook their head and pointed to themselves.
"Oh, you're gonna leave and come back?"
They nodded.
"Can I come with?"

They shook their head and motioned of guns.
"Oh, you don't want me to die."
They nodded.
"I can still swim with you."
They shook their head and tried to remember what sign language they knew.
"More.. me? Oh! More people. With 2 legs. Cool."
Y/n motioned to guns again.
"More people who would shoot me."
Y/n acted out a tranquilizer.
"More people who would tranq me."
Y/n nodded.
"Alright. Leave and come back, I'll wait."

Y/n swam up to the surface. 'Good thing the cam fell off.'
"Guys! I'm back, get me some more Oxygen and the other goggles."
"Why? Also, your cam fell off." Lucy said.
"Shit. Well, I didn't find anything yet." Y/n lied.
"Why'd'you need the other mask?"
"It feels cleaner and this one stinks."
"Got it."

Y/n swam back to the shark guy.
"Whoa, you can talk now."
"You can talk. You're a merman. I think that's a little more concerning."
"Eh. There's a bunch of us. They don't like me."
"Cool. Also, how do you know English?"
"We're shark people. Half human. How do you think?"
"Ok. Well, uh.. I'm Y/n."
"Peter. You uh.. aren't gonna kill slash experiment on me, right? It says marine biologist on your suit."

"Nah. The others would want to keep you in a tank, though. I don't like stealing wildlife, even if they're half human."
"How are you not freaked out?"
"I've been chased by an angelfish and stuck my hand in an alligator's mouth to get a poisonous snake. Mermaids are interesting, but not scary. Plus, I've always believed."
"Well, uh. How am I gonna tell the gang? That mermaids are real?"
"I dunno. I could come with you."
"They have tranqs on hand, maaybe not the best idea."
"What if, like, you tell them not to?"
"They're stupid. They would anyways."
"Eh. I'm fine, as long as I don't get gutted or have like.. my tail cut off."

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